

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): hands.

Синонимы: angle, arm, armrest, arrowhead, aspect, crease, cursor, direction, fist, grip, handle, handwriting, knob, litigant, needle.

  1. рука

    right hand man
    правая рука

    left hand path
    путь левой руки

    extend a helping hand
    протягивать руку помощи

    hand washing with soap
    мытье рук с мылом

    hand bones
    кости кисти

  2. ладонь

    sweaty hands
    потные ладони

  3. сторона
  4. стрелка
  5. ручка

    tiny hand
    крошечная ручка

  6. хэнд
  7. ручонка

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): handed.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): handed.

Синонимы: distribute, cede, circulate, communicate, convey, deal, deliver, devolve, dole, donate, forward, outsource, pass, propagate, refer.

  1. передавать
  2. вручать
  3. раздавать
  4. протягивать руку

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: carry-on, domesticated, handcrafted, handmade, manual, manually, pet, tame.

  1. ручной

    hand luggage
    ручная кладь

    hand brake lever
    рычаг ручного тормоза

    hand arc welding
    ручная дуговая сварка

adverb наречие

Синонимы: freehand.

  1. от руки

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений hand на 1 миллион слов: 81.

Примеры предложений

Give me a hand here.
Помоги мне с этим.

Tom put his hand out.
Том протянул руку.

Tom put his hand on his pregnant wife's belly.
Том положил руку на живот своей беременной жены.

Could you hand me the remote?
Не передашь мне пульт?

Tom put his hand over Mary's hand.
Том положил свою руку на руку Мэри.

His hand is broken.
У него сломана рука.

On one hand he is kind, but on the other hand he is lazy.
С одной стороны он добрый, с другой — ленивый.

Mary burned her hand on the stove.
Мэри обожгла руку о плиту.

The newly married couple walked hand in hand.
Молодожёны шли, взявшись за руки.

Raise your hand to the sky.
Подними руку к небу.

There were no holds for hand or foot on the rock.
На скале не было ни захвата для рук, ни упора для ног.

The hour hand is broken.
Часовая стрелка сломалась.

Did Tom lay a hand on you?
Том к тебе прикасался?

My hand had to be amputated.
Мне пришлось ампутировать кисть.

I can't use my left hand because of my cast.
Я не могу пользоваться левой рукой из-за гипса.

Play the hand you're dealt.
Играй тем, что сдали.

Raise your hand if you know the answer.
Поднимите руку, если знаете ответ.

A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.
Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе.

I write with my left hand because it's more convenient for me.
Я пишу левой рукой, потому что мне так удобнее.

He raised his hand and smiled.
Он поднял свою руку и улыбнулся.

He put a hand gently on her shoulder.
Он нежно положил руку на её плечо.

You should hand in your homework by Friday, at the latest.
Вы должны сдать домашнюю работу, самое позднее, к пятнице.

Tom walked over to the woman with a drink in her hand and asked her what her name was.
Том подошел к женщине с бокалом в руке и спросил ее имя.

He put his hand on his heart.
Он приложил руку к сердцу.

He put his hand gently on her shoulder.
Он нежно положил руку на её плечо.

Tom was holding a glass of whisky in one hand and a cigarette in the other.
В одной руке Том держал стакан виски, а в другой — сигарету.

Tom was holding a glass of whiskey in one hand and a cigarette in the other.
В одной руке Том держал стакан виски, а в другой — сигарету.

If you stick your hand into a jar of sulfuric acid, you might feel that the jar has no bottom.
Если сунуть руку в банку с серной кислотой, то можно почувствовать, что у банки нет дна.

He ran a hand through her hair.
Он провёл рукой по её волосам.

She used to live hand to mouth.
Она жила впроголодь.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I hand We hand
You hand You hand
He/She/It hands They hand
Past Simple
I handed We handed
You handed You handed
He/She/It handed They handed
Future Simple
I will hand We will hand
You will hand You will hand
He/She/It will hand They will hand

Present Continuous
I am handing We are handing
You are handing You are handing
He/She/It is handing They are handing
Past Continuous
I was handing We were handing
You were handing You were handing
He/She/It was handing They were handing
Future Continuous
I will be handing We will be handing
You will be handing You will be handing
He/She/It will be handing They will be handing

Present Perfect
I have handed We have handed
You have handed You have handed
He/She/It has handed They have handed
Past Perfect
I had handed We had handed
You had handed You had handed
He/She/It had handed They had handed
Future Perfect
I will have handed We will have handed
You will have handed You will have handed
He/She/It will have handed They will have handed

md5 hash от слова hand: 573ce5969e9884d49d4fab77b09a306a



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