

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): healed.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): healed.

Синонимы: healthier, remedy, treat.

  1. лечить

    heal properly
    лечить правильно

    heal sicknesses
    исцелять от болезней

    heal the boy
    исцелить мальчика

    heal the world
    излечить мир

    heal the body
    вылечить тело

  2. заживать

    heal better
    зажить лучше

  3. выздороветь
  4. заживлять

    heal wounds
    заживлять раны

  5. уврачевать
  6. подлечиться
  7. оздоровить
  8. зарастать
  9. целить


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и heal: hale, leah.

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений heal на 1 миллион слов: 3.

Примеры предложений

Wounds heal as time passes.
С течением времени раны заживают.

The cut will heal up in a few days.
Порез пройдёт через несколько дней.

There are wounds that time does not heal.
Есть раны, которые время не лечит.

You can't heal a broken heart.
Нельзя излечить разбитое сердце.

A sprain like this should heal within a week or so.
Такое растяжение пройдет где-то за неделю.

For the elderly, wounds take more time to heal.
У пожилых людей раны заживают медленнее.

In older people, wounds take a long time to heal.
У пожилых людей раны заживают долго.

Will these wounds heal?
Эти раны заживут?

Wounds heal, scars remain.
Раны заживают, шрамы остаются.

Some wounds never heal.
Некоторые раны никогда не заживают.

Physician, heal thyself.
Врач! Исцели самого себя.

You cannot heal a broken heart.
Нельзя излечить разбитое сердце.

A sick soul that holds on tight to anger and hate will never heal until it lets go of those demons.
Больная душа, которая держится за злость и ненависть, не исцелится до тех пор, пока не отпустит этих демонов.

The fire left her with a third-degree burn which took months to fully heal.
После пожара у неё остался ожог третьей степени. Прошло несколько месяцев, прежде чем он полностью зажил.

It'll heal.
Она заживёт.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I heal We heal
You heal You heal
He/She/It heals They heal
Past Simple
I healed We healed
You healed You healed
He/She/It healed They healed
Future Simple
I will heal We will heal
You will heal You will heal
He/She/It will heal They will heal

Present Continuous
I am healing We are healing
You are healing You are healing
He/She/It is healing They are healing
Past Continuous
I was healing We were healing
You were healing You were healing
He/She/It was healing They were healing
Future Continuous
I will be healing We will be healing
You will be healing You will be healing
He/She/It will be healing They will be healing

Present Perfect
I have healed We have healed
You have healed You have healed
He/She/It has healed They have healed
Past Perfect
I had healed We had healed
You had healed You had healed
He/She/It had healed They had healed
Future Perfect
I will have healed We will have healed
You will have healed You will have healed
He/She/It will have healed They will have healed

md5 hash от слова heal: 214d940b5313897d9e25b3a2b3533770



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