

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): hills.

Синонимы: height, altitude, ascendancy, cliff, dais, elevation, exaltation, headroom, highland, pitch, podium, prominence, slope, stature, sublimation.

  1. холм

    low hill
    низкий холм

    gently rolling hills
    покатые холмы

    castle hill
    замковая гора

    snow hill
    снежная горка

    red hill
    красная сопка

  2. возвышенность
  3. возвышение
  4. Хилл
  5. склон холма
  6. высота
  7. пригорок
  8. взгорье
  9. Капитолийский холм

verb глагол

Синонимы: spud.

  1. окучивать

adjective прилагательное

сравнительная степень (comparative): hiller.

Синонимы: highland, hilly, mining, montane, mountain, mountaintop, upland.

  1. горный

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений hill на 1 миллион слов: 130.

Примеры предложений

Tom poked the ant hill with a stick.
Том ткнул в муравейник палкой.

From the hill we can have a beautiful view of the sea.
С холма открывается прекрасный вид на море.

The church is on the hill overlooking the city.
Церковь стоит на холме, возвышающемся над городом.

The hill was all covered with snow.
Холм был полностью покрыт снегом.

The hill is always green.
Холм всегда зелёный.

The building on the hill is our school.
Здание на холме - наша школа.

That church on the hill is very old.
Та церковь на холме очень древняя.

The house which stands on the hill is very old.
Дом, который находится на холме, очень старый.

At the foot of the hill is a beautiful lake.
У подножия холма есть красивое озеро.

A cellar was dug on top of the hill and they slowly moved the house from the road to the hill.
Подвал был вырыт сверху холма, и они медленно двигали дом от дороги до холма.

Seen from a distance, the hill looks like an elephant.
Если поглядеть на холм издалека, он похож на слона.

The top of the hill is flat.
Вершина холма плоская.

Pretty soon along came a steam shovel and dug a road through the hill covered with daisies.
Вскоре приехал и экскаватор, который прорыл через покрытый ромашками холм дорогу.

The sunny side of the hill is full of deciduous trees.
Солнечная сторона холма заполнена лиственными деревьями.

The view from the top of the hill was simply breathtaking.
Вид с вершины холма просто захватывал дух.

I don't think this old car will make it to the top of the hill.
Не думаю, что эта старая машина доберётся до верхушки холма.

Even though Tom just had his fortieth birthday, I don't think he's over the hill yet.
Хотя Тому только что исполнилось 40, я не думаю, что он сдает свои позиции.

He had so many bruises he looked like he had been rolled down a hill in a barrel.
На нём было так много синяков, что было похоже, будто его посадили в бочку и спустили с холма.

The hill looks low from here.
Отсюда этот холм кажется низким.

This hill overlooks the city.
С этого холма открывается вид на город.

The house that stands on the hill is very old.
Дом, что стоит на холме, очень старый.

I will get to the foot of the hill before dawn.
Я доберусь до подножия холма до зари.

We'll make the summit of the hill by noon.
Мы достигнем вершины холма к полудню.

The British captured Breed's Hill.
Британцы захватили Бридс-хилл.

He took a slide down the hill on his sled.
Он скатился на санках с холма.

He came down the hill on his bicycle.
Он спустился с холма на своём велосипеде.

They abandoned the hill to enemy forces.
Они оставили высоту силам противника.

There was a hill to the north.
К северу был холм.

The hill was covered in snow.
Холм был покрыт снегом.

Tom lives on the other side of the hill.
Том живёт по другую сторону холма.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I hill We hill
You hill You hill
He/She/It hills They hill
Past Simple
I hilled We hilled
You hilled You hilled
He/She/It hilled They hilled
Future Simple
I will hill We will hill
You will hill You will hill
He/She/It will hill They will hill

Present Continuous
I am hilling We are hilling
You are hilling You are hilling
He/She/It is hilling They are hilling
Past Continuous
I was hilling We were hilling
You were hilling You were hilling
He/She/It was hilling They were hilling
Future Continuous
I will be hilling We will be hilling
You will be hilling You will be hilling
He/She/It will be hilling They will be hilling

Present Perfect
I have hilled We have hilled
You have hilled You have hilled
He/She/It has hilled They have hilled
Past Perfect
I had hilled We had hilled
You had hilled You had hilled
He/She/It had hilled They had hilled
Future Perfect
I will have hilled We will have hilled
You will have hilled You will have hilled
He/She/It will have hilled They will have hilled

md5 hash от слова hill: debaee4affbeaba909a184066981d55a



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