

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): howls.

Синонимы: clamor, cry, crying, hoot, outcry, scream, shout, wail, yell.

  1. крик
  2. вой

    wolf howl
    волчий вой

verb глагол

Синонимы: wail, scream, squall.

  1. выть
  2. стонать
  3. вопить

Примеры предложений

I cannot howl like a jackal. I'm a goat!
Я не могу выть, как шакал. Я коза!

Why do wolves howl?
Почему волки воют?

What Alice, waiting for a reply, was faced with was a sudden howl. It was a resounding noise, sharp as to burst her ear drums, loud as to reach unto the heavens.
То, с чем Элис столкнулась, ожидая ответа, было внезапным воем. Это был гулкий шум, настолько резкий, чтобы разорвать ее барабанные перепонки, и настолько громкий, чтобы достигнуть небес.

If you live with wolves, you must howl like one.
С волками жить - по-волчьи выть.

If you live with wolves, you must howl like them.
С волками жить - по-волчьи выть.

If you live with wolves, you will howl like one.
С волками жить - по-волчьи выть.

The wolves began to howl.
Волки завыли.

Wolves howl at the moon.
Волки воют на луну.

I heard the howl of a wolf.
Я услышал вой волка.

From above resounded a deafening howl.
Сверху раздался оглушительный рёв.

Howl all you want, I will not have pity!
Вой сколько хочешь, я не сжалюсь!

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I howl We howl
You howl You howl
He/She/It howls They howl
Past Simple
I howled We howled
You howled You howled
He/She/It howled They howled
Future Simple
I will howl We will howl
You will howl You will howl
He/She/It will howl They will howl

Present Continuous
I am howling We are howling
You are howling You are howling
He/She/It is howling They are howling
Past Continuous
I was howling We were howling
You were howling You were howling
He/She/It was howling They were howling
Future Continuous
I will be howling We will be howling
You will be howling You will be howling
He/She/It will be howling They will be howling

Present Perfect
I have howled We have howled
You have howled You have howled
He/She/It has howled They have howled
Past Perfect
I had howled We had howled
You had howled You had howled
He/She/It had howled They had howled
Future Perfect
I will have howled We will have howled
You will have howled You will have howled
He/She/It will have howled They will have howled

md5 hash от слова howl: dfd46c6d2ad8b84841a6c9abdcd15077


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