

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): hurls.

Синонимы: dart, dash, pitching, shot, spurt, surge, throw, toss.

  1. бросок

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): hurled.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): hurled.

Синонимы: dart, heap, metal, rain, ruin, shower, smother, wreak.

  1. метать
  2. обрушить
  3. кидать
  4. осыпать

Примеры предложений

There, roof and pinnacle the Dardans tear – / death standing near – and hurl them on the foe, / last arms of need, the weapons of despair; / and gilded beams and rafters down they throw, / ancestral ornaments of days ago.
Там, на крыше и вершине, дарданы рвут – /смерть, стоящая рядом – и бросают их на врага, / последнее оружие нужды, оружие отчаяния; / и позолоченные балки и стропила, которые они бросают вниз, / украшения предков прошлых дней.

With him, Achilles' charioteer and squire, / Automedon, huge Periphas and all / the Scyrian youth rush up, and flaming fire / hurl to the roof, and thunder at the wall.
С ним колесничий и оруженосец Ахилла, /Автомедон, огромный Перифас и все / скирийская молодежь устремляются вверх, и пылающий огонь / бросается на крышу, и грохочет в стену.

If you hurl a handful of stones, at least one will hit.
Если вы бросите горсть камней, по крайней мере один попадет.

Don't hurl insults at me, young lady.
Не осыпайте меня оскорблениями, юная леди.

I hoped you could hurl some lumens into the gloom.
Я надеялся, что ты сможешь бросить несколько люменов во мрак.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I hurl We hurl
You hurl You hurl
He/She/It hurls They hurl
Past Simple
I hurled We hurled
You hurled You hurled
He/She/It hurled They hurled
Future Simple
I will hurl We will hurl
You will hurl You will hurl
He/She/It will hurl They will hurl

Present Continuous
I am hurling We are hurling
You are hurling You are hurling
He/She/It is hurling They are hurling
Past Continuous
I was hurling We were hurling
You were hurling You were hurling
He/She/It was hurling They were hurling
Future Continuous
I will be hurling We will be hurling
You will be hurling You will be hurling
He/She/It will be hurling They will be hurling

Present Perfect
I have hurled We have hurled
You have hurled You have hurled
He/She/It has hurled They have hurled
Past Perfect
I had hurled We had hurled
You had hurled You had hurled
He/She/It had hurled They had hurled
Future Perfect
I will have hurled We will have hurled
You will have hurled You will have hurled
He/She/It will have hurled They will have hurled

md5 hash от слова hurl: 8c8fa00e9cc080fe7d8a08974c7c5299


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