

noun существительное

Синонимы: downtime, idleness, idling, outage, standstill, stoppage.

  1. холостой ход

verb глагол

  1. простаивать

adjective прилагательное

сравнительная степень (comparative): idler.

Синонимы: austere, bachelor, bare, blank, celibate, common, disabled, dummy, easy, futile, homely, humble, idler, inoperable, inoperative.

  1. праздный

    idle threat
    пустая угроза

  2. холостой
  3. неработающий
  4. простой

adverb наречие

  1. без дела
  2. вхолостую

participle причастие

Синонимы: defunct, dormant, inactive.

  1. бездействующий


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и idle: deli, lied.

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений idle на 1 миллион слов: 4.

Примеры предложений

Some boys are diligent, others are idle.
Есть несколько прилежных мальчиков, остальные ленивые.

I spent idle days during the vacation.
Я провел бесполезные дни во время отпуска.

I regret having been idle in my school days.
Я сожалею о том, что бездельничал в свои школьные годы.

You must not idle away.
Не надо бездельничать.

Tom is not an idle boy any longer.
Том больше не лентяй.

The factory has been lying idle for a year.
Фабрика простояла целый год.

That's just idle speculation. We don't know what really happened.
Это всего лишь пустые домыслы. Мы не знаем, что на самом деле произошло.

That's idle talk.
Это всё пустые разговоры.

We do not live for idle amusement.
Мы живём не для праздного развлечения.

Jim works hard, but John is idle.
Джим много работает, а Джон бездельничает.

It's wasteful to leave the land lying idle.
Оставлять землю пустующей расточительно.

Idle hands are the devil's tool.
Праздные руки – орудие дьявола.

She looks down on people who are idle.
Она презирает лентяев.

I do not like to sit idle.
Я не люблю сидеть без дела.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I idle We idle
You idle You idle
He/She/It idles They idle
Past Simple
I idled We idled
You idled You idled
He/She/It idled They idled
Future Simple
I will idle We will idle
You will idle You will idle
He/She/It will idle They will idle

Present Continuous
I am idling We are idling
You are idling You are idling
He/She/It is idling They are idling
Past Continuous
I was idling We were idling
You were idling You were idling
He/She/It was idling They were idling
Future Continuous
I will be idling We will be idling
You will be idling You will be idling
He/She/It will be idling They will be idling

Present Perfect
I have idled We have idled
You have idled You have idled
He/She/It has idled They have idled
Past Perfect
I had idled We had idled
You had idled You had idled
He/She/It had idled They had idled
Future Perfect
I will have idled We will have idled
You will have idled You will have idled
He/She/It will have idled They will have idled

md5 hash от слова idle: ec2f993aec2c27fc750119ab17b16cdb


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