

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): impeached.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): impeached.

Синонимы: accuse, alienate, allege, argue, blame, challenge, charge, condemn, contend, contest, denounce, discharge, dispute, indict, prosecute.

  1. обвинять
  2. объявить импичмент
  3. отстранить
  4. оспаривать

Примеры предложений

Many people wanted to impeach President Nixon.
Многие люди хотели объявить импичмент президенту Никсону.

It is war's prize to take all vantages, and ten to one is no impeach of valour.
Это военная награда - занять все преимущества, и десять к одному - это не проявление доблести.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I impeach We impeach
You impeach You impeach
He/She/It impeaches They impeach
Past Simple
I impeached We impeached
You impeached You impeached
He/She/It impeached They impeached
Future Simple
I will impeach We will impeach
You will impeach You will impeach
He/She/It will impeach They will impeach

Present Continuous
I am impeaching We are impeaching
You are impeaching You are impeaching
He/She/It is impeaching They are impeaching
Past Continuous
I was impeaching We were impeaching
You were impeaching You were impeaching
He/She/It was impeaching They were impeaching
Future Continuous
I will be impeaching We will be impeaching
You will be impeaching You will be impeaching
He/She/It will be impeaching They will be impeaching

Present Perfect
I have impeached We have impeached
You have impeached You have impeached
He/She/It has impeached They have impeached
Past Perfect
I had impeached We had impeached
You had impeached You had impeached
He/She/It had impeached They had impeached
Future Perfect
I will have impeached We will have impeached
You will have impeached You will have impeached
He/She/It will have impeached They will have impeached

md5 hash от слова impeach: 48b502f1944c0fa54082e8f3d23ac206


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