

noun существительное

Синонимы: glaze, hairspray, lacquerware, lak, varnish.

  1. лак

    acrylic lacquer
    акриловый лак

  2. лакированные изделия

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): lacquered.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): lacquered.
  1. лакировать

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: varnish.

  1. лаковый

    lacquer film
    лаковая пленка

Примеры предложений

If the difference between order and chaos or preservation and ruin were the same as that between high mountains and deep valleys, or between white clay and black lacquer, then wisdom would have had no place: stupidity would also have been alright.
Если бы разница между порядком и хаосом, сохранением и гибелью была бы такая же как между высокими горами и глубокими долинами, такая же как между белой глиной и чёрным лаком, - мудрости бы не было места: глупый бы тоже справился.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I lacquer We lacquer
You lacquer You lacquer
He/She/It lacquers They lacquer
Past Simple
I lacquered We lacquered
You lacquered You lacquered
He/She/It lacquered They lacquered
Future Simple
I will lacquer We will lacquer
You will lacquer You will lacquer
He/She/It will lacquer They will lacquer

Present Continuous
I am lacquering We are lacquering
You are lacquering You are lacquering
He/She/It is lacquering They are lacquering
Past Continuous
I was lacquering We were lacquering
You were lacquering You were lacquering
He/She/It was lacquering They were lacquering
Future Continuous
I will be lacquering We will be lacquering
You will be lacquering You will be lacquering
He/She/It will be lacquering They will be lacquering

Present Perfect
I have lacquered We have lacquered
You have lacquered You have lacquered
He/She/It has lacquered They have lacquered
Past Perfect
I had lacquered We had lacquered
You had lacquered You had lacquered
He/She/It had lacquered They had lacquered
Future Perfect
I will have lacquered We will have lacquered
You will have lacquered You will have lacquered
He/She/It will have lacquered They will have lacquered

md5 hash от слова lacquer: 728079071b7a8dc5ca49f37adfa0a27e


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