

noun существительное

Синонимы: rope.

  1. лассо

    magnetic lasso tool
    магнитное лассо

verb глагол

  1. заарканить

Примеры предложений

Tom threw a lasso around one of the low-flying, small clouds floating to Australia and clung to the end of the rope. He slowly climbed up and lay down on the cloud until it arrived in Perth.
Том накинул лассо на одно из низко летящих небольших облаков, плывущих в Австралию, и вцепился в конец веревки. Он медленно поднялся и лег на облако, пока оно не прибыло в Перт.

That old lasso is on the left.
Вон то старое лассо слева.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I lasso We lasso
You lasso You lasso
He/She/It lassoes They lasso
Past Simple
I lassoed We lassoed
You lassoed You lassoed
He/She/It lassoed They lassoed
Future Simple
I will lasso We will lasso
You will lasso You will lasso
He/She/It will lasso They will lasso

Present Continuous
I am lassoing We are lassoing
You are lassoing You are lassoing
He/She/It is lassoing They are lassoing
Past Continuous
I was lassoing We were lassoing
You were lassoing You were lassoing
He/She/It was lassoing They were lassoing
Future Continuous
I will be lassoing We will be lassoing
You will be lassoing You will be lassoing
He/She/It will be lassoing They will be lassoing

Present Perfect
I have lassoed We have lassoed
You have lassoed You have lassoed
He/She/It has lassoed They have lassoed
Past Perfect
I had lassoed We had lassoed
You had lassoed You had lassoed
He/She/It had lassoed They had lassoed
Future Perfect
I will have lassoed We will have lassoed
You will have lassoed You will have lassoed
He/She/It will have lassoed They will have lassoed

md5 hash от слова lasso: 2d230f50ad5f43b282d59b1f1f44b382


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