

noun существительное

Синонимы: moonshine.

  1. лунный свет
  2. лунная ночь

verb глагол

  1. подрабатывать

adverb наречие

  1. при лунном свете

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений moonlight на 1 миллион слов: 2.

Примеры предложений

Moonlight won the Oscar for Best Picture.
«Лунный свет» получил премию «Оскар» в номинации «лучший фильм».

We swam in the moonlight.
Мы купались при луне.

A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.
Мечтатель — это тот, кто может найти дорогу лишь при свете луны, а наказание его в том, что он видит рассвет прежде остального мира.

The moonlight is dim.
Лунный свет тусклый.

The moonlight reflected on the lake.
Лунный свет отражался в озере.

The seashore looks particularly romantic in the moonlight.
Морской берег выглядит особенно романтично в лунном свете.

Moonlight was the only illumination.
Единственным источником света была луна.

The moonlight reflected off the snowflakes.
Лунный свет отражался от снежинок.

Mary danced in the forest in the moonlight.
Мэри танцевала в лесу при свете луны.

Her skin looked pale in the moonlight.
Её кожа казалась бледной в лунном свете.

We took long walks along the beach in the moonlight.
Мы совершали длинные прогулки по пляжу при свете луны.

I don't suppose it's possible to read a book by moonlight.
Я не думаю, что при лунном свете можно читать книгу.

The moonlight is so beautiful!
Лунный свет так прекрасен!

Walking in the moonlight is a romantic way to end a date.
Прогулка под светом луны — это романтический способ закончить свидание.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I moonlight We moonlight
You moonlight You moonlight
He/She/It moonlights They moonlight
Past Simple
I moonlighted We moonlighted
You moonlighted You moonlighted
He/She/It moonlighted They moonlighted
Future Simple
I will moonlight We will moonlight
You will moonlight You will moonlight
He/She/It will moonlight They will moonlight

Present Continuous
I am moonlighting We are moonlighting
You are moonlighting You are moonlighting
He/She/It is moonlighting They are moonlighting
Past Continuous
I was moonlighting We were moonlighting
You were moonlighting You were moonlighting
He/She/It was moonlighting They were moonlighting
Future Continuous
I will be moonlighting We will be moonlighting
You will be moonlighting You will be moonlighting
He/She/It will be moonlighting They will be moonlighting

Present Perfect
I have moonlighted We have moonlighted
You have moonlighted You have moonlighted
He/She/It has moonlighted They have moonlighted
Past Perfect
I had moonlighted We had moonlighted
You had moonlighted You had moonlighted
He/She/It had moonlighted They had moonlighted
Future Perfect
I will have moonlighted We will have moonlighted
You will have moonlighted You will have moonlighted
He/She/It will have moonlighted They will have moonlighted

md5 hash от слова moonlight: 55f55cb70c1c9e9f841992337c0a2a16


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