

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): noses.

Синонимы: bow, prow, aroma, beak, beezer, bouquet, flavor, flavour, flavouring, fore, fragrance, muzzle, nasal, odour, perfume.

  1. нос

    blue nose
    синий нос

    big red nose
    большой красный нос

    small straight nose
    маленький прямой нос

    snub nose
    курносый носик

  2. нюх

    good nose
    хороший нюх

  3. аромат
  4. морда
  5. насморк
  6. носок
  7. Носовая часть

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): nosed.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): nosed.

Синонимы: perk.

  1. обнюхивать
  2. сморкаться
  3. задирать нос
  4. воротить нос

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: bow, nasal, prow.

  1. носовой

    nose wheel
    носовое колесо


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и nose: enos, eons, ones.

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений nose на 1 миллион слов: 15.

Примеры предложений

Tom can touch his nose with his tongue.
Том может дотронуться до носа языком.

Tom got his nose out of joint when he wasn't asked to Mary's party.
Том расстроился, когда его не позвали на вечеринку Мэри.

Mary pokes her nose into everything.
Мэри во всё суёт свой нос.

Mary wiped Tom's nose with a handkerchief.
Мэри вытерла Тому нос платком.

That reporter has a nose for news.
У того репортёра нюх на новости.

He pushed his nose against the window.
Он прижал свой нос к окну.

Tom blew his nose in a handkerchief.
Том высморкался в носовой платок.

I have a bigger nose than you.
У меня нос больше, чем у тебя.

Please don't blow your nose on the tablecloth.
Не сморкайся в скатерть, пожалуйста.

The child's nose is bleeding.
У ребёнка течёт кровь из носа.

Don't stick your nose into my private life.
Не суй нос в мою личную жизнь.

Mary's nose was bleeding.
У Мэри шла кровь из носа.

He cut the nose off.
Он отрезал нос.

Peter drinks, and that is why his nose is red.
Пётр пьёт, вот почему у него нос красный.

His nose is totally different.
У него совсем другой нос.

My father is always poking his nose into my private life.
Мой отец вечно суёт свой нос в мою личную жизнь.

Women use perfume because a nose is easier to tempt than an eye.
Женщины пользуются духами, потому что проще обольстить нос, чем глаз.

Stop sticking your nose into other people's business.
Прекрати совать свой нос в чужие дела.

He turned up his nose at my suggestion.
Он поворотил нос от моего предложения.

They were nose to nose.
Они были лицом к лицу.

If her nose were a little shorter, she would be quite pretty.
Если бы её нос был чуть короче, она была бы вполне симпатичной.

She turned up her nose at our offer.
Она пренебрегла нашим предложением.

My nose is itchy.
У меня нос зудит.

My nose runs whenever I have a cold.
Каждый раз, когда я простужаюсь, у меня идут сопли.

My nose itches.
У меня нос чешется.

My mother is always poking her nose into my private life.
Мать постоянно сует нос в мою личную жизнь.

Tom pushed his nose against the window.
Том прижался носом к окну.

The teacher pokes his nose into everything.
Учитель везде суёт свой нос.

Tom wiped his nose on his sleeve.
Том вытер нос рукавом.

I don't poke my nose into other people's business.
Я не сую нос в чужие дела.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I nose We nose
You nose You nose
He/She/It noses They nose
Past Simple
I nosed We nosed
You nosed You nosed
He/She/It nosed They nosed
Future Simple
I will nose We will nose
You will nose You will nose
He/She/It will nose They will nose

Present Continuous
I am nosing We are nosing
You are nosing You are nosing
He/She/It is nosing They are nosing
Past Continuous
I was nosing We were nosing
You were nosing You were nosing
He/She/It was nosing They were nosing
Future Continuous
I will be nosing We will be nosing
You will be nosing You will be nosing
He/She/It will be nosing They will be nosing

Present Perfect
I have nosed We have nosed
You have nosed You have nosed
He/She/It has nosed They have nosed
Past Perfect
I had nosed We had nosed
You had nosed You had nosed
He/She/It had nosed They had nosed
Future Perfect
I will have nosed We will have nosed
You will have nosed You will have nosed
He/She/It will have nosed They will have nosed

md5 hash от слова nose: 41d1de28e96dc1cde568d3b068fa17bb


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