

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): parachutes.

Синонимы: canopy, chute.

  1. парашют

    parachute jump
    прыжок с парашютом

  2. купол парашюта

verb глагол

  1. прыгать с парашютом

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: parachuting, skydiving.

  1. парашютный

    parachute system
    парашютная система

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений parachute на 1 миллион слов: 9.

Примеры предложений

Both optimists and pessimists contribute to society. The optimist invents the aeroplane, the pessimist the parachute.
И оптимисты, и пессимисты вносят свой вклад в общество. Оптимист изобретает самолёт, а пессимист - парашют.

Tom's parachute didn't open.
Парашют Тома не раскрылся.

In 1912, the Austrian tailor Franz Reichelt died jumping off the first floor of the Eiffel Tower while trying out his new invention, the parachute coat, which did not work...
В 1912 году австрийский портной Франц Райхельт погиб, спрыгнув с первого уровня Эйфелевой башни, при попытке испытать своё изобретение - плащ-парашют, который не раскрылся.

What if the parachute doesn't open?
А если парашют не раскроется?

Culture is like a parachute: if you don't have it, you crash.
Культура как парашют: если у тебя его нет, ты разобьёшься.

Don't forget to open your parachute!
Не забудь раскрыть парашют!

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I parachute We parachute
You parachute You parachute
He/She/It parachutes They parachute
Past Simple
I parachuted We parachuted
You parachuted You parachuted
He/She/It parachuted They parachuted
Future Simple
I will parachute We will parachute
You will parachute You will parachute
He/She/It will parachute They will parachute

Present Continuous
I am parachuting We are parachuting
You are parachuting You are parachuting
He/She/It is parachuting They are parachuting
Past Continuous
I was parachuting We were parachuting
You were parachuting You were parachuting
He/She/It was parachuting They were parachuting
Future Continuous
I will be parachuting We will be parachuting
You will be parachuting You will be parachuting
He/She/It will be parachuting They will be parachuting

Present Perfect
I have parachuted We have parachuted
You have parachuted You have parachuted
He/She/It has parachuted They have parachuted
Past Perfect
I had parachuted We had parachuted
You had parachuted You had parachuted
He/She/It had parachuted They had parachuted
Future Perfect
I will have parachuted We will have parachuted
You will have parachuted You will have parachuted
He/She/It will have parachuted They will have parachuted

md5 hash от слова parachute: b9afa7d3b9d174a24fea895429c212a8


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