

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): pedals.

Синонимы: foot.

  1. педаль

    brake pedal
    педаль тормоза

verb глагол

  1. крутить педали
  2. педалировать

adjective прилагательное

  1. педальный

    pedal switch
    педальный переключатель


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и pedal: plead.

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений pedal на 1 миллион слов: 5.

Примеры предложений

Tom stomped on the brake pedal and screeched to a halt.
Том вдавил педаль тормоза в пол и с визгом затормозил.

He pressed the brake pedal.
Он нажал на педаль тормоза.

Loosen up on the gas pedal. You're driving too fast.
Отпустите педаль газа. Вы слишком быстро едете!

The brake pedal sticks.
Педаль тормоза заедает.

The brake pedal is stuck.
Педаль тормоза заело.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I pedal We pedal
You pedal You pedal
He/She/It pedals They pedal
Past Simple
I pedaled We pedaled
You pedaled You pedaled
He/She/It pedaled They pedaled
Future Simple
I will pedal We will pedal
You will pedal You will pedal
He/She/It will pedal They will pedal

Present Continuous
I am pedaling We are pedaling
You are pedaling You are pedaling
He/She/It is pedaling They are pedaling
Past Continuous
I was pedaling We were pedaling
You were pedaling You were pedaling
He/She/It was pedaling They were pedaling
Future Continuous
I will be pedaling We will be pedaling
You will be pedaling You will be pedaling
He/She/It will be pedaling They will be pedaling

Present Perfect
I have pedaled We have pedaled
You have pedaled You have pedaled
He/She/It has pedaled They have pedaled
Past Perfect
I had pedaled We had pedaled
You had pedaled You had pedaled
He/She/It had pedaled They had pedaled
Future Perfect
I will have pedaled We will have pedaled
You will have pedaled You will have pedaled
He/She/It will have pedaled They will have pedaled

md5 hash от слова pedal: 10dc8cfcd83f9b898a5d6d76c2898a28


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