

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): piles.

Синонимы: heap, bale, bl, blade, disposal, dump, dumps, fleece, fluff, instrumentation, jumble, lot, lump, piling, sailing.

  1. куча

    huge pile of money
    огромная куча денег

    pile of scrap metal
    груда металлолома

    pile of stones
    груда камней

    pile of ash
    кучка пепла

  2. свая

    screw pile
    винтовая свая

  3. кипа

    pile of paper
    кипа бумаг

    large piles
    большие штабеля

    neat pile
    аккуратная стопка

  4. ворс

    long pile
    длинный ворс

  5. геморрой
  6. отвал

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): piled.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): piled.

Синонимы: add, fold, heap, lay, stack, stow.

  1. складывать
  2. нагромождать
  3. навалиться

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: piled.

  1. свайный

    pile foundation
    свайный фундамент

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений pile на 1 миллион слов: 4.

Примеры предложений

Tom usually lets dirty dishes pile up for a week, then he washes them.
Том обычно неделю скапливает грязную посуду и только потом её моет.

Tom has a whole pile of unpaid parking tickets.
У Тома есть целая куча неоплаченных штрафов за парковку.

The book that I wanted was at the bottom of the pile.
Нужная мне книга была в самом низу стопки.

The book I wanted was at the bottom of the pile.
Нужная мне книга была в самом низу стопки.

I haven't had time to do the dishes for two days; they are in a pile in the kitchen sink.
У меня два дня не было времени помыть посуду. Она громоздится кучей в раковине.

Can the fire of the heart be extinguished in the flames of the funeral pile?
Можно ли огонь сердца погасить в пламени погребального костра?

Whose pile of junk is this?
Чья это груда хлама?

This is just a pile of bullshit!
Да это что за хренотень!

There's a pile of letters on my desk that I have to answer.
У меня на столе груда писем, на которые надо ответить.

The firemen were prevented from reaching the woman trapped in her house, because of the huge pile of junk she had accumulated over many years.
Пожарные не смогли приблизиться к женщине в её доме, из-за огромной кучи мусора, который она собирала годами.

Looking at the pile of laundry, I sighed.
Я вздохнула, глядя на гору стирки.

Examine the pile of documents in advance.
Проверь стопку документов заранее.

You do not have to pile everything in one heap.
Не надо валить всё в одну кучу.

This car is a pile of rubbish.
Эта машина — груда хлама.

Bills are starting to pile up.
Счета начинают накапливаться.

Tom has a pile of textbooks on his desk.
У Тома на письменном столе гора учебников.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I pile We pile
You pile You pile
He/She/It piles They pile
Past Simple
I piled We piled
You piled You piled
He/She/It piled They piled
Future Simple
I will pile We will pile
You will pile You will pile
He/She/It will pile They will pile

Present Continuous
I am piling We are piling
You are piling You are piling
He/She/It is piling They are piling
Past Continuous
I was piling We were piling
You were piling You were piling
He/She/It was piling They were piling
Future Continuous
I will be piling We will be piling
You will be piling You will be piling
He/She/It will be piling They will be piling

Present Perfect
I have piled We have piled
You have piled You have piled
He/She/It has piled They have piled
Past Perfect
I had piled We had piled
You had piled You had piled
He/She/It had piled They had piled
Future Perfect
I will have piled We will have piled
You will have piled You will have piled
He/She/It will have piled They will have piled

md5 hash от слова pile: 8b66e7d5ac266a0909cebbf3b897c887



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