

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): plumes.

Синонимы: squirt, stream, blast, crimp, dribble, feather, firebrand, flambeau, flare, gush, nib, pappus, plumage, spout, spurt.

  1. перо

    ostrich plume
    страусовое перо

  2. плюмаж

    red plumes
    красные плюмажи

  3. Султан
  4. струйка
  5. завиток
  6. плюм

    mantle plume
    мантийный плюм

  7. факел

    laser plume
    лазерный факел

  8. струя
  9. столб дыма
  10. хохолок

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): plumed.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): plumed.

Синонимы: pique.

  1. кичиться

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений plume на 1 миллион слов: 2.

Примеры предложений

The southern Italian island of Sicily has been covered with a vast plume of smoke and ash.
Южный итальянский остров Сицилия был покрыт огромной завесой из дыма и пепла.

Follow my white plume!
Следуйте за моим белым плюмажем!

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I plume We plume
You plume You plume
He/She/It plumes They plume
Past Simple
I plumed We plumed
You plumed You plumed
He/She/It plumed They plumed
Future Simple
I will plume We will plume
You will plume You will plume
He/She/It will plume They will plume

Present Continuous
I am pluming We are pluming
You are pluming You are pluming
He/She/It is pluming They are pluming
Past Continuous
I was pluming We were pluming
You were pluming You were pluming
He/She/It was pluming They were pluming
Future Continuous
I will be pluming We will be pluming
You will be pluming You will be pluming
He/She/It will be pluming They will be pluming

Present Perfect
I have plumed We have plumed
You have plumed You have plumed
He/She/It has plumed They have plumed
Past Perfect
I had plumed We had plumed
You had plumed You had plumed
He/She/It had plumed They had plumed
Future Perfect
I will have plumed We will have plumed
You will have plumed You will have plumed
He/She/It will have plumed They will have plumed

md5 hash от слова plume: 5f391c4bb931e57d9307fb26de1896d5


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