

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): polls.

Синонимы: ballot, balloting, canvassing, inquiry, interview, polling, quiz, suffrage, survey, vote, voting.

  1. опрос

    straw poll
    выборочный опрос

    recent public opinion poll
    опрос общественного мнения

    informal poll
    неофициальный опрос

  2. голосование

    new poll
    новое голосование

  3. список избирателей
  4. поул
  5. опрос мнения

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): polled.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): polled.

Синонимы: ballot, interview, vote.

  1. голосовать
  2. опросить

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений poll на 1 миллион слов: 18.

Примеры предложений

The results of our opinion poll permit some interesting conclusions.
Результаты нашего опроса общественного мнения позволяют сделать некоторые интересные выводы.

It is a prevalent belief, according to a nationwide poll in the United States, that Muslims are linked with terrorism.
Существует распространенное мнение, согласно общенациональным опросам в США, что мусульмане связаны с терроризмом.

A poll shows that an overwhelming majority is in favor of the legislation.
Как показал опрос общественного мнения, подавляющее большинство выступает за данный законопроект.

My refusal to explain exempts me from the poll.
Мой отказ дать объяснение исключает меня из опроса.

In accordance with the public opinion poll of the Gallup university, 44% Americans think the world is younger than 10000 years.
Согласно опросу общественного мнения института Гэллапа, 44% американцев думают, что миру меньше 10000 лет.

I am depressed by the results of the poll.
Я удручён результатами голосования.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I poll We poll
You poll You poll
He/She/It polls They poll
Past Simple
I polled We polled
You polled You polled
He/She/It polled They polled
Future Simple
I will poll We will poll
You will poll You will poll
He/She/It will poll They will poll

Present Continuous
I am polling We are polling
You are polling You are polling
He/She/It is polling They are polling
Past Continuous
I was polling We were polling
You were polling You were polling
He/She/It was polling They were polling
Future Continuous
I will be polling We will be polling
You will be polling You will be polling
He/She/It will be polling They will be polling

Present Perfect
I have polled We have polled
You have polled You have polled
He/She/It has polled They have polled
Past Perfect
I had polled We had polled
You had polled You had polled
He/She/It had polled They had polled
Future Perfect
I will have polled We will have polled
You will have polled You will have polled
He/She/It will have polled They will have polled

md5 hash от слова poll: b0f6dfb42fa80caee6825bfecd30f094



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