

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): prejudices.

Синонимы: animus, detrimental, disadvantage, disservice, estoppel, harm, hazard, hurt, mischief, nuisance.

  1. предубеждение

    racial prejudice
    расовое предубеждение

    religious prejudice
    религиозный предрассудок

  2. вред

    possible prejudice
    возможный ущерб

  3. преюдиция

verb глагол

Синонимы: challenge, harm, tamper.

  1. наносить ущерб
  2. ставить под сомнение
  3. предубедить

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений prejudice на 1 миллион слов: 4.

Примеры предложений

I don't have a prejudice against foreign workers.
У меня нет предрассудков против иностранных рабочих.

It is harder to crack a prejudice than an atom.
Разбить предрассудки тяжелее, чем атом.

He has a prejudice against foreigners.
У него есть предубеждения против иностранцев.

There is no denying the fact that no one is free from racial prejudice.
Невозможно отрицать то, что никто не свободен от расовых предрассудков.

He has a prejudice against Jews.
Он имеет предрассудки против евреев.

Yet education is the only factor that can inhibit prejudice, be it between ethnicities or genders.
Тем не менее, образование является единственным фактором, который может подавлять предубеждения, будь то национальность или пол.

He had a prejudice against women drivers.
Он имел предрассудки в отношении женщин-водителей.

As Tom told me, Esperanto has two enemies, ignorance and prejudice.
Как Том сказал мне, у эсперанто два врага - незнание и предрассудки.

Ethnic minorities struggle against prejudice, poverty, and oppression.
Этнические меньшинства борются против предубеждения, бедности и угнетения.

You need to unpack your prejudice.
Тебе нужно проанализировать свои предрассудки.

There is much undeserved prejudice against Esperanto.
Существует много неоправданных предубеждений относительно эсперанто.

Free yourself from prejudice.
Освободись от предрассудков.

His opinion is free from prejudice.
Его мнение не предвзятое.

I have no prejudice.
У меня нет предрассудков.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I prejudice We prejudice
You prejudice You prejudice
He/She/It prejudices They prejudice
Past Simple
I prejudiced We prejudiced
You prejudiced You prejudiced
He/She/It prejudiced They prejudiced
Future Simple
I will prejudice We will prejudice
You will prejudice You will prejudice
He/She/It will prejudice They will prejudice

Present Continuous
I am prejudicing We are prejudicing
You are prejudicing You are prejudicing
He/She/It is prejudicing They are prejudicing
Past Continuous
I was prejudicing We were prejudicing
You were prejudicing You were prejudicing
He/She/It was prejudicing They were prejudicing
Future Continuous
I will be prejudicing We will be prejudicing
You will be prejudicing You will be prejudicing
He/She/It will be prejudicing They will be prejudicing

Present Perfect
I have prejudiced We have prejudiced
You have prejudiced You have prejudiced
He/She/It has prejudiced They have prejudiced
Past Perfect
I had prejudiced We had prejudiced
You had prejudiced You had prejudiced
He/She/It had prejudiced They had prejudiced
Future Perfect
I will have prejudiced We will have prejudiced
You will have prejudiced You will have prejudiced
He/She/It will have prejudiced They will have prejudiced

md5 hash от слова prejudice: 2bc5f6de5b843e5e2a04a4800f95bba9


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