

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): propelled.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): propelled.

Синонимы: motivate, spur, actuate, arouse, drive, elevate, evoke, excite, foster, induce, inspire, nudge, prod, promote, prompt.

  1. стимулировать
  2. двигать
  3. побуждать
  4. продвинуть
  5. вознести
  6. приводить в движение
  7. продвигать вперед

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений propel на 1 миллион слов: 2.

Примеры предложений

Going all out like this is going to propel me right into an all-or-nothing struggle.
Если я буду выкладываться по полной, это подтолкнет меня прямо к борьбе "все или ничего".

Many supernovae occur when massive stars run out of fuel, rapidly collapse under their own weight, and then explode because of strong shock waves that propel out of their interiors.
Многие сверхновые возникают, когда у массивных звезд заканчивается топливо, они быстро разрушаются под собственным весом, а затем взрываются из-за сильных ударных волн, которые вырываются из их недр.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I propel We propel
You propel You propel
He/She/It propels They propel
Past Simple
I propelled We propelled
You propelled You propelled
He/She/It propelled They propelled
Future Simple
I will propel We will propel
You will propel You will propel
He/She/It will propel They will propel

Present Continuous
I am propelling We are propelling
You are propelling You are propelling
He/She/It is propelling They are propelling
Past Continuous
I was propelling We were propelling
You were propelling You were propelling
He/She/It was propelling They were propelling
Future Continuous
I will be propelling We will be propelling
You will be propelling You will be propelling
He/She/It will be propelling They will be propelling

Present Perfect
I have propelled We have propelled
You have propelled You have propelled
He/She/It has propelled They have propelled
Past Perfect
I had propelled We had propelled
You had propelled You had propelled
He/She/It had propelled They had propelled
Future Perfect
I will have propelled We will have propelled
You will have propelled You will have propelled
He/She/It will have propelled They will have propelled

md5 hash от слова propel: 6f304c372c84d202ff8e87512af159e3


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