

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): punctures.

Синонимы: prick, blunder, breach, breakdown, breakthrough, jab, leak, needle, perforation, piercing, pinhole, puncturing, shot.

  1. прокол

    lumbar puncture
    поясничный прокол

    spinal puncture
    спинномозговая пункция

  2. укол
  3. пробой
  4. пробоина
  5. пунктура
  6. прокол шины

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): punctured.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): punctured.

Синонимы: pierce, breach, break, penetrate, prick, punch, strike.

  1. прокалывать

    puncture the skin
    проколоть кожу

  2. пробить
  3. пунктировать
  4. делать пункцию

adjective прилагательное

  1. пункционный

    puncture biopsy
    пункционная биопсия

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений puncture на 1 миллион слов: 1.

Примеры предложений

Wet the surface of the tire, and note the bubbles that form under the film of water, and the puncture is found.
Намочите поверхность шины и обратите внимание на пузырьки, которые образуются под пленкой воды, и прокол будет найден.

Changing a puncture gives a lot of work.
Замена прокола дает много работы.

The puncture wound was very deep and had to be examined for infection.
Колотая рана была очень глубокой, и ее нужно было осмотреть на предмет инфекции.

They are asking whether I can fix a bicycle puncture? That should be no problem at all.
Они спрашивают, могу ли я исправить прокол велосипеда? Это вообще не должно быть проблемой.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I puncture We puncture
You puncture You puncture
He/She/It punctures They puncture
Past Simple
I punctured We punctured
You punctured You punctured
He/She/It punctured They punctured
Future Simple
I will puncture We will puncture
You will puncture You will puncture
He/She/It will puncture They will puncture

Present Continuous
I am puncturing We are puncturing
You are puncturing You are puncturing
He/She/It is puncturing They are puncturing
Past Continuous
I was puncturing We were puncturing
You were puncturing You were puncturing
He/She/It was puncturing They were puncturing
Future Continuous
I will be puncturing We will be puncturing
You will be puncturing You will be puncturing
He/She/It will be puncturing They will be puncturing

Present Perfect
I have punctured We have punctured
You have punctured You have punctured
He/She/It has punctured They have punctured
Past Perfect
I had punctured We had punctured
You had punctured You had punctured
He/She/It had punctured They had punctured
Future Perfect
I will have punctured We will have punctured
You will have punctured You will have punctured
He/She/It will have punctured They will have punctured

md5 hash от слова puncture: 17d58a09136963b2dce2a3f2a82a1fa1



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