Теперь на нашем сайте доступен
личный кабинет!
Добавляйте слова в закладки и запоминайте их методом
интервальных повторений!
verb глагол
Синонимы: realize, understand, achieve, appreciate, apprehend, conceive, fathom, imagine, implement, imply, interpret, materialize, mean, perceive, savvy.
realise the project
реализовать проект
realise the truth
осознать истину
Кол-во употреблений realise на 1 миллион слов: 2.
I realise that you are the second authority in Europe.
Я осознаю, что вы - второй по влиянию человек в Европе.
Little did I realise how much I loved her.
Я и не представлял себе, как сильно её люблю.
Tom doesn't realise how his behaviour affects others.
Том не представляет, как его поведение влияет на окружающих.
It's easier to make plans than to realise them.
Легче строить планы, чем их осуществлять.
Health brings a freedom very few realise, until they no longer have it.
Здоровье дарует человеку свободу, которую большинство не осознаёт, пока её не лишится.
It is folly to buy things you don't really feel the need for, since you'll end up neglecting them and eventually realise you wasted money.
Глупо покупать вещи, которые тебе в общем и не нужны, ведь в конечном счёте ты всё равно не станешь ими пользоваться и поймёшь, что зря потратился.
Do you realise the possible consequences?
Ты понимаешь возможные последствия?
I didn't realise.
Я не понимал.
Maybe one day you will realise that you miss me.
Может быть, однажды ты поймёшь, что ты по мне скучаешь.
Tom wondered how long it would take Mary to realise that John wouldn't be coming back.
Том гадал, сколько времени Марии понадобится для того, чтобы осознать, что Джон не вернётся.
Now I realise why she was angry with me.
Теперь я понял, почему она на меня сердилась.
Present Simple | |
I realise | We realise |
You realise | You realise |
He/She/It realises | They realise |
Past Simple | |
I realised | We realised |
You realised | You realised |
He/She/It realised | They realised |
Future Simple | |
I will realise | We will realise |
You will realise | You will realise |
He/She/It will realise | They will realise |
Present Continuous | |
I am realising | We are realising |
You are realising | You are realising |
He/She/It is realising | They are realising |
Past Continuous | |
I was realising | We were realising |
You were realising | You were realising |
He/She/It was realising | They were realising |
Future Continuous | |
I will be realising | We will be realising |
You will be realising | You will be realising |
He/She/It will be realising | They will be realising |
Present Perfect | |
I have realised | We have realised |
You have realised | You have realised |
He/She/It has realised | They have realised |
Past Perfect | |
I had realised | We had realised |
You had realised | You had realised |
He/She/It had realised | They had realised |
Future Perfect | |
I will have realised | We will have realised |
You will have realised | You will have realised |
He/She/It will have realised | They will have realised |
Здесь вы можете оставить отзыв, относящийся к слову realise. Текст комментария может быть только на русском или английском языке.