

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): rebels.

Синонимы: action, fighter, guerilla, gunman, insurgency, insurgent, militancy, militant, operative, rebelling, sedition, tumult, warlord.

  1. мятежник

    rebel group
    группа мятежников

    rebel leader
    лидер повстанцев

    young rebel
    юный бунтарь

  2. мятеж
  3. боевик
  4. мятежница
  5. бунтарка
  6. бунтовщица

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): rebelled.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): rebelled.

Синонимы: outrage, revolt.

  1. восставать
  2. возмутиться
  3. взбунтовать

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: insurgent, insurrectionary, mutinous, rebellious, renegade, restless, riotous, seditious.

  1. мятежный

    rebel province
    мятежная провинция

    rebel spirit
    бунтарский дух

  2. повстанческий

    rebel army
    повстанческая армия

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений rebel на 1 миллион слов: 18.

Примеры предложений

Lenin ordered them to rebel.
Ленин приказал им восстать.

Seems we've got a rebel in our midst, eh?
Кажется, среди нас есть бунтовщик, а?

He's a rebel.
Он бунтарь.

Who doesn't love a rebel?
Кто не любит бунтаря?

I'm no rebel.
Я не бунтарь.

Tom is a rebel.
Том — бунтарь.

I'm a rebel.
Я мятежница.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I rebel We rebel
You rebel You rebel
He/She/It rebels They rebel
Past Simple
I rebelled We rebelled
You rebelled You rebelled
He/She/It rebelled They rebelled
Future Simple
I will rebel We will rebel
You will rebel You will rebel
He/She/It will rebel They will rebel

Present Continuous
I am rebelling We are rebelling
You are rebelling You are rebelling
He/She/It is rebelling They are rebelling
Past Continuous
I was rebelling We were rebelling
You were rebelling You were rebelling
He/She/It was rebelling They were rebelling
Future Continuous
I will be rebelling We will be rebelling
You will be rebelling You will be rebelling
He/She/It will be rebelling They will be rebelling

Present Perfect
I have rebelled We have rebelled
You have rebelled You have rebelled
He/She/It has rebelled They have rebelled
Past Perfect
I had rebelled We had rebelled
You had rebelled You had rebelled
He/She/It had rebelled They had rebelled
Future Perfect
I will have rebelled We will have rebelled
You will have rebelled You will have rebelled
He/She/It will have rebelled They will have rebelled

md5 hash от слова rebel: 14acb10c792d6e7a1ea2b0e0b567c69b


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