

verb глагол

Синонимы: surrender, abandon, cede, donate, attenuate, backtrack, balk, cancel, circulate, communicate, convey, deliver, depart, depress, devolve.

  1. отказываться

    relinquish power
    отказаться от власти

  2. сдавать
  3. уступить
  4. передавать
  5. отступать
  6. ослаблять

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений relinquish на 1 миллион слов: 2.

Примеры предложений

I would rather die than relinquish my virginity before marriage.
Я скорее умру, чем лишусь девственности до замужества.

They will never relinquish power willingly.
Они никогда добровольно не откажутся от власти.

Power is a drug which few ever manage to relinquish.
Власть - это наркотик, от которого мало кому удается отказаться.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I relinquish We relinquish
You relinquish You relinquish
He/She/It relinquishes They relinquish
Past Simple
I relinquished We relinquished
You relinquished You relinquished
He/She/It relinquished They relinquished
Future Simple
I will relinquish We will relinquish
You will relinquish You will relinquish
He/She/It will relinquish They will relinquish

Present Continuous
I am relinquishing We are relinquishing
You are relinquishing You are relinquishing
He/She/It is relinquishing They are relinquishing
Past Continuous
I was relinquishing We were relinquishing
You were relinquishing You were relinquishing
He/She/It was relinquishing They were relinquishing
Future Continuous
I will be relinquishing We will be relinquishing
You will be relinquishing You will be relinquishing
He/She/It will be relinquishing They will be relinquishing

Present Perfect
I have relinquished We have relinquished
You have relinquished You have relinquished
He/She/It has relinquished They have relinquished
Past Perfect
I had relinquished We had relinquished
You had relinquished You had relinquished
He/She/It had relinquished They had relinquished
Future Perfect
I will have relinquished We will have relinquished
You will have relinquished You will have relinquished
He/She/It will have relinquished They will have relinquished

md5 hash от слова relinquish: d83399bad3e5f45088ef3c958a14919e


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