

noun существительное

Синонимы: rest, assumption, break, breathing, chamber, dormancy, doss, downhill, ease, escarpment, getaway, holiday, immobility, peace, quiet.

  1. покой

    harmonious repose
    гармоничный покой

  2. отдых

    calm repose
    спокойный отдых

  3. сон
  4. передышка
  5. преставление

    day of his repose
    день преставления

  6. откос

    angle of repose
    угол естественного откоса

  7. Успение
  8. вечный покой

verb глагол

Синонимы: rest, behave, cling, defer, hang, holiday, hug, lie, persist, recreate, rely, steer, underlie, vacation.

  1. отдыхать
  2. лежать
  3. полагаться
  4. держаться

Примеры предложений

His brief repose was interrupted by her arrival.
Его краткий отдых был прерван ее приходом.

The weary don't have time for repose.
У усталых нет времени на отдых.

She o'er Ascanius rains a soft repose, / and gently bears him to Idalia's height, / where breathing marjoram around him throws / sweet shade, and odorous flowers his slumbering limbs compose.
Она над Асканием проливает мягкий покой, /и нежно несет его на высоту Идалии, / где дыхание майорана вокруг него отбрасывает / сладкую тень, и благоухающие цветы составляют его дремлющие конечности.

Weary with toil, I haste me to my bed, the dear repose for limbs with travel tired, but then begins a journey in my head to work my mind when body's work's espired.
Утомленный тяжким трудом, я спешу в свою постель, дорогой отдых для конечностей, уставших от путешествия, но затем в моей голове начинается путешествие, чтобы поработать разумом, когда требуется работа тела.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I repose We repose
You repose You repose
He/She/It reposes They repose
Past Simple
I reposed We reposed
You reposed You reposed
He/She/It reposed They reposed
Future Simple
I will repose We will repose
You will repose You will repose
He/She/It will repose They will repose

Present Continuous
I am reposing We are reposing
You are reposing You are reposing
He/She/It is reposing They are reposing
Past Continuous
I was reposing We were reposing
You were reposing You were reposing
He/She/It was reposing They were reposing
Future Continuous
I will be reposing We will be reposing
You will be reposing You will be reposing
He/She/It will be reposing They will be reposing

Present Perfect
I have reposed We have reposed
You have reposed You have reposed
He/She/It has reposed They have reposed
Past Perfect
I had reposed We had reposed
You had reposed You had reposed
He/She/It had reposed They had reposed
Future Perfect
I will have reposed We will have reposed
You will have reposed You will have reposed
He/She/It will have reposed They will have reposed

md5 hash от слова repose: b364c03b6d2f6cd90fc14b1b4f45a9c4


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