

noun существительное

Синонимы: bounce, rebound.

  1. рикошет

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): ricocheted.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): ricocheted.
  1. рикошетировать

Примеры предложений

He liked to skip rocks in the early morning and watch them ricochet across the smooth surface of the pond.
Ему нравилось ранним утром бросать камни и смотреть, как они рикошетят по гладкой поверхности пруда.

Be careful, the bullet can ricochet off the rock and come towards you.
Будьте осторожны, пуля может срикошетить от скалы и полететь в вашу сторону.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I ricochet We ricochet
You ricochet You ricochet
He/She/It ricochets They ricochet
Past Simple
I ricocheted We ricocheted
You ricocheted You ricocheted
He/She/It ricocheted They ricocheted
Future Simple
I will ricochet We will ricochet
You will ricochet You will ricochet
He/She/It will ricochet They will ricochet

Present Continuous
I am ricocheting We are ricocheting
You are ricocheting You are ricocheting
He/She/It is ricocheting They are ricocheting
Past Continuous
I was ricocheting We were ricocheting
You were ricocheting You were ricocheting
He/She/It was ricocheting They were ricocheting
Future Continuous
I will be ricocheting We will be ricocheting
You will be ricocheting You will be ricocheting
He/She/It will be ricocheting They will be ricocheting

Present Perfect
I have ricocheted We have ricocheted
You have ricocheted You have ricocheted
He/She/It has ricocheted They have ricocheted
Past Perfect
I had ricocheted We had ricocheted
You had ricocheted You had ricocheted
He/She/It had ricocheted They had ricocheted
Future Perfect
I will have ricocheted We will have ricocheted
You will have ricocheted You will have ricocheted
He/She/It will have ricocheted They will have ricocheted

md5 hash от слова ricochet: d308ec6a3e905c2912a3a1071a70d3cc



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