

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): ridicules.

Синонимы: absurdity, bullies, deriding, derision, jeering, jibe, mock, mockery, mocking, ridiculing, satire, scorn, taunt, taunting.

  1. насмешка

    object of ridicule
    объект насмешек

  2. смехотворность
  3. высмеивание
  4. издевательства

verb глагол

Синонимы: caricature, deride, mock, satirise, satirize.

  1. высмеивать

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений ridicule на 1 миллион слов: 1.

Примеры предложений

If you do that, you're going to subject yourself to ridicule.
Если сделаешь это, поставишь себя в неловкое положение.

He exposed himself to the ridicule of his classmates.
Он выставил себя на посмешище перед одноклассниками.

Is this praise or ridicule?
Это похвала или насмешка?

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I ridicule We ridicule
You ridicule You ridicule
He/She/It ridicules They ridicule
Past Simple
I ridiculed We ridiculed
You ridiculed You ridiculed
He/She/It ridiculed They ridiculed
Future Simple
I will ridicule We will ridicule
You will ridicule You will ridicule
He/She/It will ridicule They will ridicule

Present Continuous
I am ridiculing We are ridiculing
You are ridiculing You are ridiculing
He/She/It is ridiculing They are ridiculing
Past Continuous
I was ridiculing We were ridiculing
You were ridiculing You were ridiculing
He/She/It was ridiculing They were ridiculing
Future Continuous
I will be ridiculing We will be ridiculing
You will be ridiculing You will be ridiculing
He/She/It will be ridiculing They will be ridiculing

Present Perfect
I have ridiculed We have ridiculed
You have ridiculed You have ridiculed
He/She/It has ridiculed They have ridiculed
Past Perfect
I had ridiculed We had ridiculed
You had ridiculed You had ridiculed
He/She/It had ridiculed They had ridiculed
Future Perfect
I will have ridiculed We will have ridiculed
You will have ridiculed You will have ridiculed
He/She/It will have ridiculed They will have ridiculed

md5 hash от слова ridicule: 053956a6a91155cfb85ebd2233f6e84b



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