

noun существительное

Синонимы: rinsing, conditioner, flush, leach, mouthwash, sluice.

  1. промывка

    final rinse
    окончательная промывка

  2. полоскание
  3. ополаскиватель

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): rinsed.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): rinsed.

Синонимы: flush.

  1. полоскать

    rinse the mouth
    прополоскать рот

  2. промывать
  3. смывать

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: flush, flushing.

  1. промывочный


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и rinse: reins, resin, risen, siren.

Примеры предложений

Tom doesn't use rinse. He only uses shampoo.
Том не пользуется ополаскивателем. Только шампунем.

In case of contact with eyes, rinse with a large amount of water.
В случае контакта с глазами промыть большим количеством воды.

I cannot rinse the dishes. There is no water.
Я не могу помыть посуду. Воды нет.

I think I forgot to rinse the condenser with acetone.
Полагаю, я забыл промыть конденсатор с ацетоном.

I'll rinse your mouth out with soap!
Я тебе по губам дам!

Rinse with warm water.
Смойте тёплой водой.

I need to rinse my mouth.
Мне нужно прополоскать рот.

Instructions: massage well into damp hair, lather and rinse.
Способ применения: нанесите на влажные волосы и тщательно помассируйте, взбейте пену и промойте.

Rinse out your mouth with salt water.
Прополощите рот солёной водой.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I rinse We rinse
You rinse You rinse
He/She/It rinses They rinse
Past Simple
I rinsed We rinsed
You rinsed You rinsed
He/She/It rinsed They rinsed
Future Simple
I will rinse We will rinse
You will rinse You will rinse
He/She/It will rinse They will rinse

Present Continuous
I am rinsing We are rinsing
You are rinsing You are rinsing
He/She/It is rinsing They are rinsing
Past Continuous
I was rinsing We were rinsing
You were rinsing You were rinsing
He/She/It was rinsing They were rinsing
Future Continuous
I will be rinsing We will be rinsing
You will be rinsing You will be rinsing
He/She/It will be rinsing They will be rinsing

Present Perfect
I have rinsed We have rinsed
You have rinsed You have rinsed
He/She/It has rinsed They have rinsed
Past Perfect
I had rinsed We had rinsed
You had rinsed You had rinsed
He/She/It had rinsed They had rinsed
Future Perfect
I will have rinsed We will have rinsed
You will have rinsed You will have rinsed
He/She/It will have rinsed They will have rinsed

md5 hash от слова rinse: 493f489713c970d87bc1bc5b77a3206c



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