

verb глагол

Синонимы: disclose, display, display-, exemplify, herald, indicate, portray, reveal, show, signify, testify, trumpet, usher.

  1. показывать
  2. возвещать

Примеры предложений

Shew me thy face, let thy voice sound in my ears: for thy voice is sweet, and thy face comely.
Покажи мне лицо твоё, дай мне услышать голос твой; потому что голос твой сладок и лицо твоё приятно.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I shew We shew
You shew You shew
He/She/It shews They shew
Past Simple
I shewed We shewed
You shewed You shewed
He/She/It shewed They shewed
Future Simple
I will shew We will shew
You will shew You will shew
He/She/It will shew They will shew

Present Continuous
I am shewing We are shewing
You are shewing You are shewing
He/She/It is shewing They are shewing
Past Continuous
I was shewing We were shewing
You were shewing You were shewing
He/She/It was shewing They were shewing
Future Continuous
I will be shewing We will be shewing
You will be shewing You will be shewing
He/She/It will be shewing They will be shewing

Present Perfect
I have shewed We have shewed
You have shewed You have shewed
He/She/It has shewed They have shewed
Past Perfect
I had shewed We had shewed
You had shewed You had shewed
He/She/It had shewed They had shewed
Future Perfect
I will have shewed We will have shewed
You will have shewed You will have shewed
He/She/It will have shewed They will have shewed

md5 hash от слова shew: 32d41bb937a73a22bef49d6ffbf2c11a


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