

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): shields.

Синонимы: baffle, screen, shelter, shielding, advocacy, advocating, billboard, board, buckler, bulwark, cloak, containment, craton, defence, defending.

  1. щит

    missile defense shield
    противоракетный щит

    small round shield
    маленький круглый щит

    face shield
    лицевой щиток

  2. защита

    heat shield
    тепловая защита

  3. экран

    protective shield
    защитный экран

  4. защитный экран
  5. экранирование
  6. прикрытие
  7. защитная шайба
  8. живой щит
  9. заслон

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): shielded.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): shielded.

Синонимы: protect, advocate, blot, cloak, defend, fend, plead, safeguard, secure.

  1. защищать
  2. прикрывать
  3. заслонять

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: defence, defense, guarding, preservative, protecting, protection, protective, safeguard, safety, shielding, switchboard.

  1. защитный

    shielding gas
    защитный газ

  2. щитовой

    shield volcano
    щитовой вулкан

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений shield на 1 миллион слов: 20.

Примеры предложений

He bought a shield and a sword.
Он купил щит и меч.

I tried to shield you from all this.
Я пытался оградить тебя от всего этого.

I tried to shield you from this.
Я пытался оградить тебя от этого.

Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
Воспитывайте силу духа, чтобы она оградила вас от внезапного несчастья.

I used his beheaded body as a shield.
Я использовал его обезглавленное тело как щит.

Black moved his white-squared bishop to g4, nailing the white knight on f3, which served as a shield for the queen on d1.
Черные переместили белопольного слона на g4, пригвоздив белого коня на f3, который служил щитом ферзю на d1.

He used the book as a shield.
Он использовал книгу в качестве щита.

I need a shield.
Мне нужен щит.

Give me the shield.
Дайте мне щит.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I shield We shield
You shield You shield
He/She/It shields They shield
Past Simple
I shielded We shielded
You shielded You shielded
He/She/It shielded They shielded
Future Simple
I will shield We will shield
You will shield You will shield
He/She/It will shield They will shield

Present Continuous
I am shielding We are shielding
You are shielding You are shielding
He/She/It is shielding They are shielding
Past Continuous
I was shielding We were shielding
You were shielding You were shielding
He/She/It was shielding They were shielding
Future Continuous
I will be shielding We will be shielding
You will be shielding You will be shielding
He/She/It will be shielding They will be shielding

Present Perfect
I have shielded We have shielded
You have shielded You have shielded
He/She/It has shielded They have shielded
Past Perfect
I had shielded We had shielded
You had shielded You had shielded
He/She/It had shielded They had shielded
Future Perfect
I will have shielded We will have shielded
You will have shielded You will have shielded
He/She/It will have shielded They will have shielded

md5 hash от слова shield: 28c69b4cba5681d565d3bd901684dd77


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