

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): shovels.

Синонимы: backhoe, bucket, colter, coulter, excavator, hopper, ladle, opener, spade, steam-shovel.

  1. лопата

    wooden shovel
    деревянная лопата

  2. экскаватор

    steam shovel
    паровой экскаватор

  3. ковш
  4. совковая лопата
  5. сошник

verb глагол

Синонимы: dig, excavate, rake, scoop.

  1. сгребать
  2. копать
  3. перелопатить

Примеры предложений

Put the shovel down.
Положи лопату.

Mary gave Tom a shovel for his birthday.
Мария подарила Тому на день рождения лопату.

It'll take some time to shovel all the snow off the roof.
Потребуется время, чтобы сбросить лопатой весь снег с крыши.

Pretty soon along came a steam shovel and dug a road through the hill covered with daisies.
Вскоре приехал и экскаватор, который прорыл через покрытый ромашками холм дорогу.

He dug a hole using a shovel.
Он выкопал лопатой яму.

That shovel costs thirty dollars.
Вон та лопата стоит тридцать долларов.

Do you have a shovel I can borrow?
У тебя нет лопаты, которую я мог бы у тебя одолжить?

How much did you have to pay Tom to get him to shovel the snow off your roof?
Сколько тебе пришлось заплатить Тому, чтобы он убрал снег с твоей крыши?

They were clearing the snow from the sidewalk with a shovel.
Они чистили тротуар от снега лопатой.

It was so hot in Australia yesterday that Tom managed to fry an egg on a shovel.
Вчера в Австралии было так жарко, что Тому удалось поджарить яйцо на лопате.

I need to shovel snow off the roof.
Мне нужно убрать снег с крыши.

The worker is carrying sand with a shovel.
Рабочий носит песок лопатой.

I need to shovel snow off of the roof.
Мне нужно убрать снег с крыши.

Could I borrow your shovel?
Можно одолжить у тебя лопату?

Tom helped his dad shovel the driveway.
Том помог отцу расчистить проезд.

Do you have a snow shovel?
У тебя есть лопата для уборки снега?

He dug a pit with a shovel.
Он выкопал лопатой яму.

Tom bought a shovel.
Том купил лопату.

He went to the hardware store to get a shovel.
Он пошёл в строительный магазин, чтобы приобрести лопату.

Throw the shovel!
Бросай лопату!

Mary filled her bucket with sand using a plastic shovel.
Маша наполнила ведёрко песком с помощью пластиковой лопатки.

Give me the shovel.
Дайте мне лопату.

Bring a shovel.
Принесите лопату.

What I need is a shovel.
Лопата — вот то, что мне нужно.

Where's the shovel?
Где лопата?

You may need a shovel.
Тебе может понадобиться лопата.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I shovel We shovel
You shovel You shovel
He/She/It shovels They shovel
Past Simple
I shoveled We shoveled
You shoveled You shoveled
He/She/It shoveled They shoveled
Future Simple
I will shovel We will shovel
You will shovel You will shovel
He/She/It will shovel They will shovel

Present Continuous
I am shoveling We are shoveling
You are shoveling You are shoveling
He/She/It is shoveling They are shoveling
Past Continuous
I was shoveling We were shoveling
You were shoveling You were shoveling
He/She/It was shoveling They were shoveling
Future Continuous
I will be shoveling We will be shoveling
You will be shoveling You will be shoveling
He/She/It will be shoveling They will be shoveling

Present Perfect
I have shoveled We have shoveled
You have shoveled You have shoveled
He/She/It has shoveled They have shoveled
Past Perfect
I had shoveled We had shoveled
You had shoveled You had shoveled
He/She/It had shoveled They had shoveled
Future Perfect
I will have shoveled We will have shoveled
You will have shoveled You will have shoveled
He/She/It will have shoveled They will have shoveled

md5 hash от слова shovel: 2c997ee34e3a72c17421d81c1c3716ae


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