

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): shrieks.

Синонимы: screaming, screech, screeching.

  1. визг

    loud shriek
    громкий визг

    wild shriek
    дикий крик

    piercing shriek
    пронзительный вопль

verb глагол

Синонимы: screech.

  1. визжать
  2. издать вопль

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: biting, incisive, penetrating, piercing, piping, poignant, reedy, screaming, sharp, shrill, squawk.

  1. пронзительный


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и shriek: hikers, shrike.

Примеры предложений

When I lifted a potted plant in my garden, there were swarms of little insects crawling underneath, and I instinctively let out a shriek.
Когда я поднял растение в горшке в своем саду, под ним ползали стаи маленьких насекомых, и я инстинктивно вскрикнул.

Don't shriek in my ear like that!
Не кричи мне так в ухо!

The woman let out such a loud shriek that the house shook.
Женщина издала такой громкий вопль, что дом затрясся.

She tickled her and she let out an involuntary shriek.
Она пощекотала ее, и та невольно вскрикнула.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I shriek We shriek
You shriek You shriek
He/She/It shrieks They shriek
Past Simple
I shrieked We shrieked
You shrieked You shrieked
He/She/It shrieked They shrieked
Future Simple
I will shriek We will shriek
You will shriek You will shriek
He/She/It will shriek They will shriek

Present Continuous
I am shrieking We are shrieking
You are shrieking You are shrieking
He/She/It is shrieking They are shrieking
Past Continuous
I was shrieking We were shrieking
You were shrieking You were shrieking
He/She/It was shrieking They were shrieking
Future Continuous
I will be shrieking We will be shrieking
You will be shrieking You will be shrieking
He/She/It will be shrieking They will be shrieking

Present Perfect
I have shrieked We have shrieked
You have shrieked You have shrieked
He/She/It has shrieked They have shrieked
Past Perfect
I had shrieked We had shrieked
You had shrieked You had shrieked
He/She/It had shrieked They had shrieked
Future Perfect
I will have shrieked We will have shrieked
You will have shrieked You will have shrieked
He/She/It will have shrieked They will have shrieked

md5 hash от слова shriek: 2493131a25ee0744c24bcb2cb8c8ca33


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