

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): sins.

Синонимы: fall, guilt, transgression, trespass, wrongdoing.

  1. грех

    mortal sin
    смертный грех

    consequence of original sin
    следствие первородного греха

    punishment for his sin
    наказание за грех

    sin leading to death
    грех к смерти

    besetting sin
    главный порок

  2. согрешение
  3. грехопадение
  4. греховность

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): sinned.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): sinned.

Синонимы: err, offend, transgress, trespass.

  1. грешить

    sin again
    грешить снова

    sin against god
    согрешить против бога

  2. совершать грех
  3. погрешить
  4. прегрешить

adjective прилагательное

сравнительная степень (comparative): sinner.

  1. греховный


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и sin: nis.

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений sin на 1 миллион слов: 12.

Примеры предложений

Come sin with me.
Пошли нагрешим.

Do not mistake sin with crime.
Не путай грех с преступлением.

It would be a sin to waste it.
Было бы грехом терять его понапрасну.

My grandmother always said it was a sin to waste food.
Моя бабушка всегда говорила, что переводить еду зазря - грех.

Time is the sin of eternity.
Время - это грех вечности.

It's a sin to say so.
Грешно так говорить.

Why did God offend us like this? What sin is upon us?
Почему бог нас так обидел? Какой на нас грех?

Whoever drinks is asleep; but he does not sin who sleeps.
Кто пьет, тот и спит; а кто спит, не грешит.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I sin We sin
You sin You sin
He/She/It sins They sin
Past Simple
I sinned We sinned
You sinned You sinned
He/She/It sinned They sinned
Future Simple
I will sin We will sin
You will sin You will sin
He/She/It will sin They will sin

Present Continuous
I am sinning We are sinning
You are sinning You are sinning
He/She/It is sinning They are sinning
Past Continuous
I was sinning We were sinning
You were sinning You were sinning
He/She/It was sinning They were sinning
Future Continuous
I will be sinning We will be sinning
You will be sinning You will be sinning
He/She/It will be sinning They will be sinning

Present Perfect
I have sinned We have sinned
You have sinned You have sinned
He/She/It has sinned They have sinned
Past Perfect
I had sinned We had sinned
You had sinned You had sinned
He/She/It had sinned They had sinned
Future Perfect
I will have sinned We will have sinned
You will have sinned You will have sinned
He/She/It will have sinned They will have sinned

md5 hash от слова sin: 7d27e4a7ca7533a3bef4fad10a0c19c7


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