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Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и sip:
Кол-во употреблений sip на 1 миллион слов: 1.
Tom picked up the glass of juice and took a sip.
Том взял стакан сока и сделал глоток.
Tom took a sip of his tea.
Том сделал глоток чая.
The first sip taken from the cup of science turns you into an atheist, but God is waiting for you at the bottom of the cup.
Первый маленький глоточек, сделанный из чаши науки, превращает тебя в атеиста, но Бог ждет тебя на дне этой чаши.
Tom took a sip of coffee.
Том сделал глоток кофе.
She took a sip of her drink.
Она глотнула своего напитка.
I took another sip of wine.
Я сделал ещё один глоток вина.
Mary took a sip of her milk.
Мэри сделала глоток молока.
I took a sip of wine.
Я отхлебнул вина.
Mary took a sip from the bottle and winced: the milk had gone sour.
Мэри отпила из бутылки глоток и поморщилась: молоко прокисло.
She moistened her lips with a sip of water.
Она смочила свои губы маленьким глотком воды.
Tom took a sip of my drink.
Том отпил из моего стакана.
Tom opened his beer and took a sip.
Том открыл своё пиво и сделал глоток.
Tom took a sip of wine.
Том выпил глоток вина.
Tom took a sip of his drink and put the glass back on the table.
Том сделал глоток и поставил стакан назад на стол.
Tom took a sip of brandy.
Том сделал глоток бренди.
Tom took a sip of lemonade.
Том сделал глоток лимонада.
Tom took a sip of his milk.
Том сделал глоток молока.
Tom took a sip from his coffee mug.
Том отхлебнул кофе из кружки.
Tom took a sip from his beer can.
Том отхлебнул пива из банки.
Tom took a sip of water from the glass and suddenly started coughing, as it went down the wrong way.
Том отпил из стакана и вдруг закашлялся: вода попала ему не в то горло.
Tom took another sip of coffee.
Том хлебнул ещё кофе.
Tom took a sip of tea.
Том отхлебнул чаю.
May I have a sip of your coffee?
Можно у тебя кофе отпить?
Tom took a sip of tea, trying to calm down.
Том отхлебнул чаю, пытаясь успокоиться.
She wants a sip of champagne.
Она хочет глоток шампанского.
Can I have a little sip?
Можно мне отпить глоточек?
Tom took another sip.
Том сделал ещё глоток.
I took another sip.
Я сделал ещё глоток.
Can I have a sip?
Можно мне отхлебнуть?
Will you give me a sip?
Дадите отхлебнуть?
Present Simple | |
I sip | We sip |
You sip | You sip |
He/She/It sips | They sip |
Past Simple | |
I sipped | We sipped |
You sipped | You sipped |
He/She/It sipped | They sipped |
Future Simple | |
I will sip | We will sip |
You will sip | You will sip |
He/She/It will sip | They will sip |
Present Continuous | |
I am sipping | We are sipping |
You are sipping | You are sipping |
He/She/It is sipping | They are sipping |
Past Continuous | |
I was sipping | We were sipping |
You were sipping | You were sipping |
He/She/It was sipping | They were sipping |
Future Continuous | |
I will be sipping | We will be sipping |
You will be sipping | You will be sipping |
He/She/It will be sipping | They will be sipping |
Present Perfect | |
I have sipped | We have sipped |
You have sipped | You have sipped |
He/She/It has sipped | They have sipped |
Past Perfect | |
I had sipped | We had sipped |
You had sipped | You had sipped |
He/She/It had sipped | They had sipped |
Future Perfect | |
I will have sipped | We will have sipped |
You will have sipped | You will have sipped |
He/She/It will have sipped | They will have sipped |
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