

noun существительное

Синонимы: strand, band, belt, bit, chip, cube, feed, fillet, headband, kindling, lath, nibble, riband, ribbon, splint.

  1. щепка

    sliver of glass
    осколок стекла

  2. лента
  3. кусочек

    slivers of ice
    кусочки льда

  4. щепа
  5. прядь

verb глагол

Синонимы: secede.

  1. откалываться


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и sliver: livers, silver.

Примеры предложений

Our evidence is no more than a tiny sliver of solid knowledge amidst the vast bog of doubts and speculations.
Наши доказательства - не более чем крошечная крупица твердых знаний среди огромного болота сомнений и предположений.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I sliver We sliver
You sliver You sliver
He/She/It slivers They sliver
Past Simple
I slivered We slivered
You slivered You slivered
He/She/It slivered They slivered
Future Simple
I will sliver We will sliver
You will sliver You will sliver
He/She/It will sliver They will sliver

Present Continuous
I am slivering We are slivering
You are slivering You are slivering
He/She/It is slivering They are slivering
Past Continuous
I was slivering We were slivering
You were slivering You were slivering
He/She/It was slivering They were slivering
Future Continuous
I will be slivering We will be slivering
You will be slivering You will be slivering
He/She/It will be slivering They will be slivering

Present Perfect
I have slivered We have slivered
You have slivered You have slivered
He/She/It has slivered They have slivered
Past Perfect
I had slivered We had slivered
You had slivered You had slivered
He/She/It had slivered They had slivered
Future Perfect
I will have slivered We will have slivered
You will have slivered You will have slivered
He/She/It will have slivered They will have slivered

md5 hash от слова sliver: 241f166bdf9887f732ae06ba859da376


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