

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): smuggled.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): smuggled.

Синонимы: ferry, carry, convey, haul, tote, transport.

  1. заниматься контрабандой
  2. провозить контрабандой
  3. переправить
  4. перевозить

adjective прилагательное

сравнительная степень (comparative): smuggler.

Синонимы: bootleg, contraband, smuggling.

  1. контрабандный

Примеры предложений

Mary tried to smuggle a hacksaw blade into the prison inside a cake.
Мэри пыталась пронести лезвие ножовки в тюрьму внутри торта.

He was sent to solitary confinement after he tried to smuggle cocaine into his cell.
Его отправили в одиночную камеру после того, как он попытался пронести кокаин в свою камеру.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I smuggle We smuggle
You smuggle You smuggle
He/She/It smuggles They smuggle
Past Simple
I smuggled We smuggled
You smuggled You smuggled
He/She/It smuggled They smuggled
Future Simple
I will smuggle We will smuggle
You will smuggle You will smuggle
He/She/It will smuggle They will smuggle

Present Continuous
I am smuggling We are smuggling
You are smuggling You are smuggling
He/She/It is smuggling They are smuggling
Past Continuous
I was smuggling We were smuggling
You were smuggling You were smuggling
He/She/It was smuggling They were smuggling
Future Continuous
I will be smuggling We will be smuggling
You will be smuggling You will be smuggling
He/She/It will be smuggling They will be smuggling

Present Perfect
I have smuggled We have smuggled
You have smuggled You have smuggled
He/She/It has smuggled They have smuggled
Past Perfect
I had smuggled We had smuggled
You had smuggled You had smuggled
He/She/It had smuggled They had smuggled
Future Perfect
I will have smuggled We will have smuggled
You will have smuggled You will have smuggled
He/She/It will have smuggled They will have smuggled

md5 hash от слова smuggle: de3947242af857af51f15a107f3e9bb9


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