

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): soars.

Синонимы: ascension, flight, launch, launching, skyrocketing, takeoff.

  1. взлет

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): soared.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): soared.

Синонимы: skyrocket, arise, ascend, climb, float, flock, glide, hasten, hover, lift, mount, raise, rise, shoot.

  1. парить
  2. подниматься ввысь
  3. взлететь

    soar high
    взлетать высоко

  4. подниматься
  5. подскочить
  6. стремительно расти
  7. лететь
  8. устремиться

adverb наречие

Синонимы: headlong, precipitously, rashly, sweeping.

  1. стремительно


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и soar: oars, rosa.

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений soar на 1 миллион слов: 1.

Примеры предложений

The birds soar in the air.
Птицы парят в воздухе.

My flag will soar in the sky.
Мой флаг будет реять в небе.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I soar We soar
You soar You soar
He/She/It soars They soar
Past Simple
I soared We soared
You soared You soared
He/She/It soared They soared
Future Simple
I will soar We will soar
You will soar You will soar
He/She/It will soar They will soar

Present Continuous
I am soaring We are soaring
You are soaring You are soaring
He/She/It is soaring They are soaring
Past Continuous
I was soaring We were soaring
You were soaring You were soaring
He/She/It was soaring They were soaring
Future Continuous
I will be soaring We will be soaring
You will be soaring You will be soaring
He/She/It will be soaring They will be soaring

Present Perfect
I have soared We have soared
You have soared You have soared
He/She/It has soared They have soared
Past Perfect
I had soared We had soared
You had soared You had soared
He/She/It had soared They had soared
Future Perfect
I will have soared We will have soared
You will have soared You will have soared
He/She/It will have soared They will have soared

md5 hash от слова soar: fafb0bd4a05b172aaf617027a90d70bd


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