

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): solicited.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): solicited.

Синонимы: request, seek, ask, crave, abet, access, address, agitate, appeal, apply, approach, aspire, beg, bid, call.

  1. просить
  2. ходатайствовать
  3. запрашивать
  4. требовать
  5. домогаться
  6. подстрекать
  7. обращаться
  8. навязывать


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и solicit: colitis.

Примеры предложений

Executive departments and agencies should solicit public feedback to assess and improve their level of collaboration and to identify new opportunities for cooperation.
Исполнительным департаментам и учреждениям следует запрашивать отзывы общественности для оценки и повышения уровня их сотрудничества и выявления новых возможностей для сотрудничества.

West is in trouble not because he is a gay man, but because he is a man who was apparently willing to use the power of his public office to solicit sexual favors.
Уэст в беде не потому, что он гей, а потому, что он человек, который, по-видимому, был готов использовать власть своей государственной должности, чтобы добиваться сексуальных услуг.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I solicit We solicit
You solicit You solicit
He/She/It solicits They solicit
Past Simple
I solicited We solicited
You solicited You solicited
He/She/It solicited They solicited
Future Simple
I will solicit We will solicit
You will solicit You will solicit
He/She/It will solicit They will solicit

Present Continuous
I am soliciting We are soliciting
You are soliciting You are soliciting
He/She/It is soliciting They are soliciting
Past Continuous
I was soliciting We were soliciting
You were soliciting You were soliciting
He/She/It was soliciting They were soliciting
Future Continuous
I will be soliciting We will be soliciting
You will be soliciting You will be soliciting
He/She/It will be soliciting They will be soliciting

Present Perfect
I have solicited We have solicited
You have solicited You have solicited
He/She/It has solicited They have solicited
Past Perfect
I had solicited We had solicited
You had solicited You had solicited
He/She/It had solicited They had solicited
Future Perfect
I will have solicited We will have solicited
You will have solicited You will have solicited
He/She/It will have solicited They will have solicited

md5 hash от слова solicit: 762a7f877af64fff76c5688315e5a9fa


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