

noun существительное

Синонимы: black, grime, smut.

  1. сажа

    soot formation
    образование сажи

    black soot
    черная копоть

  2. сажеобразование
  3. нагарообразование

verb глагол

Синонимы: bloat, smoke.

  1. коптить

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: sooty.

  1. сажистый

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений soot на 1 миллион слов: 1.

Примеры предложений

He wasn't crying. He just got soot in his eyes.
Он не плакал, ему просто сажа в глаза попала.

Snow is white, but soot is black.
Снег белый, а сажа чёрная.

When we think of nineteenth-century chimney sweeps, we think of ragamuffins with soot on their cheeks.
Когда мы думаем о трубочистах девятнадцатого века, мы представляем себе оборванцев с сажей на щеках.

It's carbon or soot.
Это углерод или сажа.

You can see from the soot on the walls that the fire reached this floor as well.
По копоти на стенах видно, что огонь и до этого этажа добрался.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I soot We soot
You soot You soot
He/She/It soots They soot
Past Simple
I sooted We sooted
You sooted You sooted
He/She/It sooted They sooted
Future Simple
I will soot We will soot
You will soot You will soot
He/She/It will soot They will soot

Present Continuous
I am sooting We are sooting
You are sooting You are sooting
He/She/It is sooting They are sooting
Past Continuous
I was sooting We were sooting
You were sooting You were sooting
He/She/It was sooting They were sooting
Future Continuous
I will be sooting We will be sooting
You will be sooting You will be sooting
He/She/It will be sooting They will be sooting

Present Perfect
I have sooted We have sooted
You have sooted You have sooted
He/She/It has sooted They have sooted
Past Perfect
I had sooted We had sooted
You had sooted You had sooted
He/She/It had sooted They had sooted
Future Perfect
I will have sooted We will have sooted
You will have sooted You will have sooted
He/She/It will have sooted They will have sooted

md5 hash от слова soot: 0bf1d83648628b4955592d81d571187f


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