

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): spooks.

Синонимы: ghost, revenant, spy, tracker.

  1. привидение
  2. шпион

verb глагол

Синонимы: fright, frighten, panic, scare, threaten.

  1. пугать
  2. нервировать

Примеры предложений

You'll spook her.
Ты ее спугнешь.

You'll spook him.
Ты его спугнешь.

You'll spook them.
Ты их спугнешь.

You'll spook Tom.
Ты спугнешь Тома.

I didn't mean to spook you.
Я не хотел тебя напугать.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I spook We spook
You spook You spook
He/She/It spooks They spook
Past Simple
I spooked We spooked
You spooked You spooked
He/She/It spooked They spooked
Future Simple
I will spook We will spook
You will spook You will spook
He/She/It will spook They will spook

Present Continuous
I am spooking We are spooking
You are spooking You are spooking
He/She/It is spooking They are spooking
Past Continuous
I was spooking We were spooking
You were spooking You were spooking
He/She/It was spooking They were spooking
Future Continuous
I will be spooking We will be spooking
You will be spooking You will be spooking
He/She/It will be spooking They will be spooking

Present Perfect
I have spooked We have spooked
You have spooked You have spooked
He/She/It has spooked They have spooked
Past Perfect
I had spooked We had spooked
You had spooked You had spooked
He/She/It had spooked They had spooked
Future Perfect
I will have spooked We will have spooked
You will have spooked You will have spooked
He/She/It will have spooked They will have spooked

md5 hash от слова spook: 9de075d381e0fa2eef488459a3375192



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