

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): squirrels.

  1. белка

    gray squirrel
    серая белка

    little squirrel
    маленькая белочка

verb глагол

Синонимы: store.

  1. запасаться

pronoun местоимение

  1. беличий

    squirrel monkey
    беличья обезьяна

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений squirrel на 1 миллион слов: 3.

Примеры предложений

This squirrel is afraid of heights.
Эта белка боится высоты.

Tom bought a squirrel magnet and put it on the fridge.
Том купил магнитик-белочку и прилепил его к холодильнику.

Tom and his squirrel were buried together.
Том был похоронен вместе со своей белкой.

Tom saw a squirrel in the distance.
Том увидел вдали белку.

The squirrel was more than twenty meters away from us.
Белка была более чем в двадцати метрах от нас.

Tom kept a squirrel as a pet.
Том держал белку в качестве домашнего питомца.

The squirrel was busy gathering nuts.
Белка собирала орехи.

A squirrel hid among the branches.
В ветвях пряталась белка.

Maria tried to turn Tom into a squirrel with the help of a spell which she found in one of her grandmother's books, but nothing happened.
Мария пыталась превратить Тома в белку при помощи заклинания, которое она нашла в одной из книг своей бабушки, но ничего не произошло.

The squirrel climbed all the way to the top of the telegraph pole.
Белка взобралась на самую вершину телеграфного столба.

Mary said that she wanted a squirrel for Christmas and she was disappointed when she only got a stuffed squirrel.
Мэри сказала, что хочет на Рождество белку, и была разочарована, что ей подарили всего лишь мягкую игрушку.

This squirrel is allergic to nuts.
У этой белки аллергия на орехи.

Tom's squirrel is blind, afraid of heights and allergic to nuts. I don't think that he would survive without Tom.
Белочка Тома слепая, боится высоты, и у неё аллергия на орехи. Не будь Тома, она бы, наверное, не выжила.

This movie is about a squirrel who gains human-like intelligence.
Это фильм о белке, которая обретает человекоподобный разум.

I saw an albino squirrel today.
Сегодня я видел белку-альбиноса.

The squirrel chewed through the power cable.
Белка перегрызла электропровод.

The squirrel jumped off a branch.
Белка спрыгнула с ветки.

Tom, look! The squirrel is back!
Том, смотри! Белка опять пришла!

This squirrel is shy.
Эта белка пугливая.

This squirrel is not shy.
Эта белка не из пугливых.

The squirrel is eating pizza.
Белка ест пиццу.

A squirrel transmitted rabies to my daughter.
Белка заразила мою дочь бешенством.

A squirrel hid in the branches.
В ветвях пряталась белка.

The squirrel ate the hazelnuts.
Белка съела лесные орехи.

The squirrel wore a small mask.
Белка была в маленькой маске.

I saw a squirrel this morning.
Я сегодня утром белку видел.

A squirrel is taking a bath in the pond.
В пруду купается белка.

Tom watched the squirrel jump from tree to tree.
Том наблюдал, как белка прыгает с дерева на дерево.

Tom watched the squirrel jump from branch to branch.
Том смотрел, как белка прыгает с ветки на ветку.

The squirrel climbed the tree.
Белка забралась на дерево.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I squirrel We squirrel
You squirrel You squirrel
He/She/It squirrels They squirrel
Past Simple
I squirreled We squirreled
You squirreled You squirreled
He/She/It squirreled They squirreled
Future Simple
I will squirrel We will squirrel
You will squirrel You will squirrel
He/She/It will squirrel They will squirrel

Present Continuous
I am squirreling We are squirreling
You are squirreling You are squirreling
He/She/It is squirreling They are squirreling
Past Continuous
I was squirreling We were squirreling
You were squirreling You were squirreling
He/She/It was squirreling They were squirreling
Future Continuous
I will be squirreling We will be squirreling
You will be squirreling You will be squirreling
He/She/It will be squirreling They will be squirreling

Present Perfect
I have squirreled We have squirreled
You have squirreled You have squirreled
He/She/It has squirreled They have squirreled
Past Perfect
I had squirreled We had squirreled
You had squirreled You had squirreled
He/She/It had squirreled They had squirreled
Future Perfect
I will have squirreled We will have squirreled
You will have squirreled You will have squirreled
He/She/It will have squirreled They will have squirreled

md5 hash от слова squirrel: eac074b0503b45740d49b18eb659bcfc



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