

noun существительное

  1. каменная стена

verb глагол

Синонимы: block, blockade, disable, inhibit, interlock.

  1. блокировать

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений stonewall на 1 миллион слов: 3.

Примеры предложений

Nixon tried to stonewall through Watergate by ignoring it, but it didn't work.
Никсон попытался обойти Уотергейт, проигнорировав его, но это не сработало.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I stonewall We stonewall
You stonewall You stonewall
He/She/It stonewalls They stonewall
Past Simple
I stonewalled We stonewalled
You stonewalled You stonewalled
He/She/It stonewalled They stonewalled
Future Simple
I will stonewall We will stonewall
You will stonewall You will stonewall
He/She/It will stonewall They will stonewall

Present Continuous
I am stonewalling We are stonewalling
You are stonewalling You are stonewalling
He/She/It is stonewalling They are stonewalling
Past Continuous
I was stonewalling We were stonewalling
You were stonewalling You were stonewalling
He/She/It was stonewalling They were stonewalling
Future Continuous
I will be stonewalling We will be stonewalling
You will be stonewalling You will be stonewalling
He/She/It will be stonewalling They will be stonewalling

Present Perfect
I have stonewalled We have stonewalled
You have stonewalled You have stonewalled
He/She/It has stonewalled They have stonewalled
Past Perfect
I had stonewalled We had stonewalled
You had stonewalled You had stonewalled
He/She/It had stonewalled They had stonewalled
Future Perfect
I will have stonewalled We will have stonewalled
You will have stonewalled You will have stonewalled
He/She/It will have stonewalled They will have stonewalled

md5 hash от слова stonewall: 7215b04b16a04d1fd77878bd8dfdd32a


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