

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): strains.

Синонимы: brand, breed, buckling, class, crippling, cultivar, deflection, deformation, deforming, deformity, dilatation, dilation, effort, exerting, exertion.

  1. напряжение

    eye strain
    напряжение глаз

    mechanical strain
    механическая нагрузка

    mental strain
    психическая напряженность

  2. штамм

    bacterial strain
    бактериальный штамм

    strain of influenza virus
    штамм вируса гриппа

    new strain of flu
    новый штамм гриппа

  3. деформация

    plastic strain
    пластическая деформация

  4. растяжение

    muscle strain
    растяжение мышц

  5. переутомление
  6. сорт

    different strains
    различных сортов

  7. натуга

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): strained.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): strained.

Синонимы: exert, overwork, stress.

  1. напрягать
  2. процедить
  3. переутомлять

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: deformation.

  1. деформационный


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и strain: trains.

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений strain на 1 миллион слов: 10.

Примеры предложений

The liquid does not strain well.
Жидкость плохо растягивается.

The White House is considering a range of short-term measures to ease the financial strain on affected businesses and workers.
Белый дом рассматривает ряд краткосрочных мер, чтобы облегчить финансовую нагрузку на пострадавшие предприятия и рабочих.

The rope broke under the strain.
Верёвка оборвалась от сильного натяжения.

You strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.
Ты придираешься к мелочам, а главного не видишь.

The strain is beginning to tell on him.
Стресс начинает на нём сказываться.

France has banned a strain of genetically modified maize.
Франция запретила штамм генетически модифицированной кукурузы.

Concentrate, but don't strain yourself.
Сосредоточься, но не сильно напрягайся.

I don't think this chain will stand the strain.
Цепь, пожалуй, не выдержит этого напряжения.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I strain We strain
You strain You strain
He/She/It strains They strain
Past Simple
I strained We strained
You strained You strained
He/She/It strained They strained
Future Simple
I will strain We will strain
You will strain You will strain
He/She/It will strain They will strain

Present Continuous
I am straining We are straining
You are straining You are straining
He/She/It is straining They are straining
Past Continuous
I was straining We were straining
You were straining You were straining
He/She/It was straining They were straining
Future Continuous
I will be straining We will be straining
You will be straining You will be straining
He/She/It will be straining They will be straining

Present Perfect
I have strained We have strained
You have strained You have strained
He/She/It has strained They have strained
Past Perfect
I had strained We had strained
You had strained You had strained
He/She/It had strained They had strained
Future Perfect
I will have strained We will have strained
You will have strained You will have strained
He/She/It will have strained They will have strained

md5 hash от слова strain: 32ef6d7e4026e7c39d8ecdbff7cd2069


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