

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): taxis.

Синонимы: cab, steering, taxicab, taxiing, taxing.

  1. такси

    call a taxi
    вызывать такси

    air taxi service
    воздушное такси

    local taxi driver
    местный таксист

  2. вызов такси
  3. стоянка такси
  4. таксопарк
  5. руление

verb глагол

Синонимы: rudder, steer.

  1. выруливать
  2. рулить

adjective прилагательное

  1. таксомоторный

    taxi fleet
    таксомоторный парк

  2. рулежный

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений taxi на 1 миллион слов: 8.

Примеры предложений

Call a taxi for us.
Вызови такси для нас.

He took a taxi to the hospital.
Он взял такси до больницы.

I got a taxi in front of the station.
Я поймал такси перед станцией.

We took a taxi so as to reach there on time.
Мы взяли такси, чтобы добраться туда вовремя.

Take a taxi to the hotel.
Возьмите такси до отеля.

The taxi picked up two passengers.
Таксист взял двух пассажиров.

A taxi drew up at the main gate.
Такси подъехало к главным воротам.

Could you call a taxi for me?
Вы не могли бы вызвать мне такси?

Tom called a taxi for Mary.
Том вызвал Мэри такси.

A taxi to the airport costs around thirty dollars.
Такси до аэропорта стоит около тридцати долларов.

A taxi to the airport costs about thirty dollars.
Такси до аэропорта стоит около тридцати долларов.

Can I catch a taxi near here?
Могу я поймать здесь поблизости такси?

Can I catch a taxi here?
Здесь можно поймать такси?

It will make little difference whether you go there by taxi or on foot.
Нет большой разницы, будешь ли ты туда добираться на такси или пешком.

Tom told the taxi driver to turn left.
Том сказал таксисту повернуть налево.

Tom found a taxi for Mary.
Том нашёл Мэри такси.

She took a taxi to the museum.
Она поехала в музей на такси.

Tom was a taxi driver when he lived in Boston.
Том был водителем такси, когда жил в Бостоне.

Tom was a taxi driver for about three years.
Том около трёх лет был водителем такси.

Tom is working as a taxi driver in Boston.
Том работает в Бостоне таксистом.

Tom was a taxi driver for three years.
Том три года проработал таксистом.

The police blamed the accident on the taxi driver.
Полиция обвинила таксиста в аварии.

The taxi I took was very old and small.
Такси, на котором я ехал, было очень старое и маленькое.

I took a taxi from the station to the hotel.
Я взял такси от вокзала до отеля.

I need a taxi to the airport.
Мне нужно такси до аэропорта.

Tom took a taxi both ways.
Том взял такси туда и обратно.

The taxi driver refused to take us to that part of town.
Таксист отказался везти нас в эту часть города.

Their father is a taxi driver.
Их отец - таксист.

Is she a taxi driver?
Она водитель такси?

Aren't you a taxi driver?
Ты разве не водитель такси?

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I taxi We taxi
You taxi You taxi
He/She/It taxis They taxi
Past Simple
I taxied We taxied
You taxied You taxied
He/She/It taxied They taxied
Future Simple
I will taxi We will taxi
You will taxi You will taxi
He/She/It will taxi They will taxi

Present Continuous
I am taxiing We are taxiing
You are taxiing You are taxiing
He/She/It is taxiing They are taxiing
Past Continuous
I was taxiing We were taxiing
You were taxiing You were taxiing
He/She/It was taxiing They were taxiing
Future Continuous
I will be taxiing We will be taxiing
You will be taxiing You will be taxiing
He/She/It will be taxiing They will be taxiing

Present Perfect
I have taxied We have taxied
You have taxied You have taxied
He/She/It has taxied They have taxied
Past Perfect
I had taxied We had taxied
You had taxied You had taxied
He/She/It had taxied They had taxied
Future Perfect
I will have taxied We will have taxied
You will have taxied You will have taxied
He/She/It will have taxied They will have taxied

md5 hash от слова taxi: 35e768d3043c55b5540979da7feaf81c


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