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verb глагол

  1. теоретизировать
  2. строить теории

Примеры предложений

Due to Triton's retrograde orbit, its density, and its composition, astronomers theorize that Triton was not originally a satellite of Neptune, but was captured by Neptune's gravitational pull, forcing it into an orbit around the planet.
Из-за ретроградной орбиты Тритона, его плотности и состава астрономы предполагают, что Тритон изначально не был спутником Нептуна, а был захвачен гравитацией Нептуна и попал на орбиту планеты.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I theorize We theorize
You theorize You theorize
He/She/It theorizes They theorize
Past Simple
I theorized We theorized
You theorized You theorized
He/She/It theorized They theorized
Future Simple
I will theorize We will theorize
You will theorize You will theorize
He/She/It will theorize They will theorize

Present Continuous
I am theorizing We are theorizing
You are theorizing You are theorizing
He/She/It is theorizing They are theorizing
Past Continuous
I was theorizing We were theorizing
You were theorizing You were theorizing
He/She/It was theorizing They were theorizing
Future Continuous
I will be theorizing We will be theorizing
You will be theorizing You will be theorizing
He/She/It will be theorizing They will be theorizing

Present Perfect
I have theorized We have theorized
You have theorized You have theorized
He/She/It has theorized They have theorized
Past Perfect
I had theorized We had theorized
You had theorized You had theorized
He/She/It had theorized They had theorized
Future Perfect
I will have theorized We will have theorized
You will have theorized You will have theorized
He/She/It will have theorized They will have theorized

md5 hash от слова theorize: 052fcc4d6e5126871aed94124f7e77ba



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