

noun существительное

Синонимы: cleaning, gathering, harvesting, mopping, retraction.

  1. уборка

verb глагол

Синонимы: clean, harvest, remove.

  1. убирать

    tidy the room
    убирать комнату

  2. прибрать

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: accurate, decent, flavorful, gentle, neat, orderly, quite, snug, taut, trig.

  1. аккуратный

    tidy man
    аккуратный человек

  2. неплохой

Примеры предложений

Tom started to frantically tidy up his apartment after his mother rang to say she was coming around.
Том стал лихорадочно прибираться у себя в квартире, когда ему позвонила мать и сказала, что придёт.

Tom is always neat and tidy.
Том всегда опрятен и аккуратен.

Please tidy up your bedroom.
Пожалуйста, уберись в своей спальне.

She has a tidy apartment.
У неё в квартире прибрано.

I'm trying to tidy things up a bit.
Я пытаюсь мало-мальски привести вещи в порядок.

We will tidy up our room so that Mom is satisfied.
Мы уберёмся у себя в комнате, чтобы мама была довольна.

You must keep your room tidy.
Ты должен поддерживать порядок в своей комнате.

Tom is tidy.
Том аккуратный.

You're tidy.
Ты опрятный.

I'm tidy.
Я опрятный.

His room is always tidy.
У него в комнате всегда порядок.

Make your room tidy.
Приведи в порядок свою комнату.

Tom keeps his room tidy.
Том поддерживает чистоту в своей комнате.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I tidy We tidy
You tidy You tidy
He/She/It tidies They tidy
Past Simple
I tidied We tidied
You tidied You tidied
He/She/It tidied They tidied
Future Simple
I will tidy We will tidy
You will tidy You will tidy
He/She/It will tidy They will tidy

Present Continuous
I am tidying We are tidying
You are tidying You are tidying
He/She/It is tidying They are tidying
Past Continuous
I was tidying We were tidying
You were tidying You were tidying
He/She/It was tidying They were tidying
Future Continuous
I will be tidying We will be tidying
You will be tidying You will be tidying
He/She/It will be tidying They will be tidying

Present Perfect
I have tidied We have tidied
You have tidied You have tidied
He/She/It has tidied They have tidied
Past Perfect
I had tidied We had tidied
You had tidied You had tidied
He/She/It had tidied They had tidied
Future Perfect
I will have tidied We will have tidied
You will have tidied You will have tidied
He/She/It will have tidied They will have tidied

md5 hash от слова tidy: 3513bf8fe595c018be09f5fd048ca814



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