

noun существительное

Синонимы: taint, accent, admixture, adulteration, alloy, attack, bloom, coating, contaminant, contamination, dopant, flight, fur, impurity, mixture.

  1. тон
  2. привкус
  3. налет
  4. нотка
  5. примесь

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): tinged.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): tinged.

Синонимы: color, colour, imbue, stain, tincture.

  1. окрашивать

Примеры предложений

The solitary window was so dirty that the light was hazy and uncertain, giving a dull grey tinge to everything, which was intensified by the thick layer of dust which coated the whole apartment.
Единственное окно было таким грязным, что свет был туманным и неопределенным, придавая всему тускло-серый оттенок, который усиливался толстым слоем пыли, покрывавшим всю квартиру.

Her face after the bath, with a slight tinge of red, was beautiful as to mistake her for someone else.
Ее лицо после ванны, с легким оттенком красного, было таким красивым, что можно было принять ее за кого-то другого.

There is a tinge of red in the eastern sky.
На востоке небо окрашено в красный цвет.

The corners of his lips showed a bluish tinge that really worried the nurse.
В уголках его губ появился синеватый оттенок, который действительно беспокоил медсестру.

Dim sunbeams on my eyelids, a faint tinge dyes the room.
Тусклые солнечные лучи падают на мои веки, слабый оттенок окрашивает комнату.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I tinge We tinge
You tinge You tinge
He/She/It tinges They tinge
Past Simple
I tinged We tinged
You tinged You tinged
He/She/It tinged They tinged
Future Simple
I will tinge We will tinge
You will tinge You will tinge
He/She/It will tinge They will tinge

Present Continuous
I am tinging We are tinging
You are tinging You are tinging
He/She/It is tinging They are tinging
Past Continuous
I was tinging We were tinging
You were tinging You were tinging
He/She/It was tinging They were tinging
Future Continuous
I will be tinging We will be tinging
You will be tinging You will be tinging
He/She/It will be tinging They will be tinging

Present Perfect
I have tinged We have tinged
You have tinged You have tinged
He/She/It has tinged They have tinged
Past Perfect
I had tinged We had tinged
You had tinged You had tinged
He/She/It had tinged They had tinged
Future Perfect
I will have tinged We will have tinged
You will have tinged You will have tinged
He/She/It will have tinged They will have tinged

md5 hash от слова tinge: a347c8407c22aa968d8bbb66dbc63bd5



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