

noun существительное

Синонимы: vows.

  1. постриг

    monastic tonsure
    иноческий постриг

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): tonsured.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): tonsured.
  1. постригать

Примеры предложений

Who wants to travel far has to move his tonsure by sparing his mount.
Тот, кто хочет путешествовать далеко, должен перенести свою тонзуру, пощадив своего коня.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I tonsure We tonsure
You tonsure You tonsure
He/She/It tonsures They tonsure
Past Simple
I tonsured We tonsured
You tonsured You tonsured
He/She/It tonsured They tonsured
Future Simple
I will tonsure We will tonsure
You will tonsure You will tonsure
He/She/It will tonsure They will tonsure

Present Continuous
I am tonsuring We are tonsuring
You are tonsuring You are tonsuring
He/She/It is tonsuring They are tonsuring
Past Continuous
I was tonsuring We were tonsuring
You were tonsuring You were tonsuring
He/She/It was tonsuring They were tonsuring
Future Continuous
I will be tonsuring We will be tonsuring
You will be tonsuring You will be tonsuring
He/She/It will be tonsuring They will be tonsuring

Present Perfect
I have tonsured We have tonsured
You have tonsured You have tonsured
He/She/It has tonsured They have tonsured
Past Perfect
I had tonsured We had tonsured
You had tonsured You had tonsured
He/She/It had tonsured They had tonsured
Future Perfect
I will have tonsured We will have tonsured
You will have tonsured You will have tonsured
He/She/It will have tonsured They will have tonsured

md5 hash от слова tonsure: 3f15e2dc072977b3372a41bd6dc47aaf


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