

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): tortures.

Синонимы: ordeal.

  1. пытка

    bore signs of torture
    следы пыток

    continuous torture
    сплошное мучение

    eternal tortures
    вечные муки

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): tortured.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): tortured.

Синонимы: anguish, distress, excruciate, fester, fret, haunt, hurt, pain, plague, rack, tease, torment.

  1. мучить

    torture animals
    мучить животных

    torture prisoners
    пытать заключенных

  2. подвергнуть пытке
  3. замучивать

adjective прилагательное

  1. пыточный

    torture center
    пыточный центр

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений torture на 1 миллион слов: 10.

Примеры предложений

It was torture for him to see his girlfriend with another man.
Для него было пыткой видеть свою девушку с другим.

The law does not accept confession under torture.
Признание, сделанное под пытками, не признаётся законом.

In special forces, torture is a taboo.
В спецподразделениях существует табу на пытки.

The torture made him confess to crimes he had not committed.
Пытка вынудила его признаться в преступлениях, которых он не совершал.

The prisoner died under torture.
Узник умер под пытками.

When he was a kid, he used to catch birds and torture them to death.
Когда он был ребёнком, он ловил птиц и мучил их до смерти.

Math was created to torture children.
Математику придумали, чтобы мучать детей.

It was a torture for me to play the piano.
Для меня было пыткой играть на пианино.

It was sheer torture.
Это была настоящая пытка.

It was like torture.
Было похоже на пытку.

Tom won't say anything, even if they torture him.
Том ничего не скажет, даже если его будут пытать.

Torture is a crime against humanity.
Пытки являются преступлением против человечности.

Subjected to torture, he confessed to the crime that he hadn't committed.
Под пытками он признался в преступлении, которого не совершал.

Torture is against the law.
Пытки противозаконны.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I torture We torture
You torture You torture
He/She/It tortures They torture
Past Simple
I tortured We tortured
You tortured You tortured
He/She/It tortured They tortured
Future Simple
I will torture We will torture
You will torture You will torture
He/She/It will torture They will torture

Present Continuous
I am torturing We are torturing
You are torturing You are torturing
He/She/It is torturing They are torturing
Past Continuous
I was torturing We were torturing
You were torturing You were torturing
He/She/It was torturing They were torturing
Future Continuous
I will be torturing We will be torturing
You will be torturing You will be torturing
He/She/It will be torturing They will be torturing

Present Perfect
I have tortured We have tortured
You have tortured You have tortured
He/She/It has tortured They have tortured
Past Perfect
I had tortured We had tortured
You had tortured You had tortured
He/She/It had tortured They had tortured
Future Perfect
I will have tortured We will have tortured
You will have tortured You will have tortured
He/She/It will have tortured They will have tortured

md5 hash от слова torture: 102ec827703eeb509f12a2a0eb5b4e2d


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