

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): travails.

Синонимы: anguish, childbearing, childbirth, confinement, delivery, labor, labour, maternity, misery, suffering, sweat, toil.

  1. роды
  2. страдание
  3. родовые муки
  4. тяжелый труд

verb глагол

  1. рожать

Примеры предложений

They finally succeeded after many months of travail.
Они, наконец, преуспели после многих месяцев мучений.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I travail We travail
You travail You travail
He/She/It travails They travail
Past Simple
I travailed We travailed
You travailed You travailed
He/She/It travailed They travailed
Future Simple
I will travail We will travail
You will travail You will travail
He/She/It will travail They will travail

Present Continuous
I am travailing We are travailing
You are travailing You are travailing
He/She/It is travailing They are travailing
Past Continuous
I was travailing We were travailing
You were travailing You were travailing
He/She/It was travailing They were travailing
Future Continuous
I will be travailing We will be travailing
You will be travailing You will be travailing
He/She/It will be travailing They will be travailing

Present Perfect
I have travailed We have travailed
You have travailed You have travailed
He/She/It has travailed They have travailed
Past Perfect
I had travailed We had travailed
You had travailed You had travailed
He/She/It had travailed They had travailed
Future Perfect
I will have travailed We will have travailed
You will have travailed You will have travailed
He/She/It will have travailed They will have travailed

md5 hash от слова travail: 68114c081e7001982e0e42fe6c296d28


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