

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): treasures.

Синонимы: asset, depository, endowment, fortune, gorgeousness, hoard, mammon, opulence, riches, richness, storehouse, thesaurus, treasury, wealth, worth.

  1. сокровище

    priceless treasure
    бесценное сокровище

    pirate treasure
    пиратский клад

    family treasure
    фамильная драгоценность

  2. богатство

    earthly treasures
    земные богатства

    national treasure
    национальное достояние

  3. сокровищница

    royal treasure
    королевская казна

  4. ценность

    cultural treasure
    культурная ценность

verb глагол

Синонимы: cherish, enshrine, file, hoard, store.

  1. хранить

    treasure forever
    хранить вечно

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений treasure на 1 миллион слов: 13.

Примеры предложений

We were looking for buried treasure.
Мы искали клад.

Some people tried to dig the treasure out, but they couldn't.
Некоторые люди пытались выкопать сокровище, но не смогли.

The treasure is believed to lie hidden somewhere in the mountain.
Считается, что сокровище спрятано где-то в горе.

Why don't we bury the treasure here?
Почему бы нам не закопать сокровище тут?

My grandfather was a pirate, a treasure hunter.
Мой дед был пиратом, охотником за сокровищами.

How did Tom know where the treasure was buried?
Откуда Том знал, где зарыт клад?

The panda is China's national treasure.
Панда - это национальное сокровище Китая.

What kind of treasure do you seek?
Какое сокровище ты ищешь?

I'll treasure it.
Я буду им дорожить.

Tom found a buried treasure.
Том нашёл клад.

I know exactly where to find the buried treasure.
Я точно знаю, где найти клад.

Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure.
Ума палата дороже злата.

Where the treasure is hidden is still a mystery.
Местонахождение спрятанных сокровищ всё ещё остаётся тайной.

The treasure was buried on the island.
Сокровище было зарыто на острове.

Who finds a friend, finds a treasure.
Кто находит друга, найдёт и сокровище.

Health is a treasure, the value of which is known only to the sick.
Здоровье - это сокровище, ценность которого известна лишь больному.

The pirates buried a treasure on the island.
Пираты закопали на острове клад.

Tom was looking for the treasure, but didn't find it.
Том искал клад, но не нашёл.

The treasure was stolen by pirates.
Сокровища были украдены пиратами.

In the most secret chamber of the castle lay the greatest treasure on earth—the Book of Truth.
В самой потайной комнате замка лежало величайшее сокровище мира – Книга Истин.

The treasure was buried on an island.
Сокровище было закопано на острове.

Tom can't remember where he buried the treasure.
Том не может вспомнить, куда он закопал сокровища.

I thought it was a mistake to tell Tom where we buried the treasure.
Я подумал, что мы зря сказали Тому, где закопали сокровище.

A true friend is a great treasure.
Настоящий друг - великое сокровище.

Tom stopped looking for the treasure and went back home.
Том перестал искать клад и вернулся домой.

Tom finally figured out where the treasure was hidden.
Том в конце концов понял, где были спрятаны сокровища.

We're looking for the treasure.
Мы ищем сокровище.

Nobody will find that treasure.
Это сокровище никто не найдёт.

We were the ones who found the treasure.
Мы - те, кто нашли сокровище.

Quietness is a great treasure.
Молчание — великое сокровище.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I treasure We treasure
You treasure You treasure
He/She/It treasures They treasure
Past Simple
I treasured We treasured
You treasured You treasured
He/She/It treasured They treasured
Future Simple
I will treasure We will treasure
You will treasure You will treasure
He/She/It will treasure They will treasure

Present Continuous
I am treasuring We are treasuring
You are treasuring You are treasuring
He/She/It is treasuring They are treasuring
Past Continuous
I was treasuring We were treasuring
You were treasuring You were treasuring
He/She/It was treasuring They were treasuring
Future Continuous
I will be treasuring We will be treasuring
You will be treasuring You will be treasuring
He/She/It will be treasuring They will be treasuring

Present Perfect
I have treasured We have treasured
You have treasured You have treasured
He/She/It has treasured They have treasured
Past Perfect
I had treasured We had treasured
You had treasured You had treasured
He/She/It had treasured They had treasured
Future Perfect
I will have treasured We will have treasured
You will have treasured You will have treasured
He/She/It will have treasured They will have treasured

md5 hash от слова treasure: 82210e61e8f415525262575b20fae48d


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