

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): tugs.

Синонимы: haulage, hauling, tow, attraction, craving, draft, dragging, draught, drawbar, gouge, inclination, linkage, mover, propensity, propulsion.

  1. буксир

    rescue tug
    спасательный буксир

  2. гуж
  3. дерганье
  4. перетягивание каната
  5. буксировка
  6. тягач
  7. тяга
  8. тянущее усилие

verb глагол

Синонимы: drag, haul, lug, tow, trail.

  1. тащить
  2. отбуксировать
  3. подергивать

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: tow, towing, tugboat.

  1. буксирный

    tug boat
    буксирное судно


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и tug: gut.

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений tug на 1 миллион слов: 2.

Примеры предложений

How do you train a dog not to tug on its leash?
Как приучить собаку не дергать за поводок?

Tom gave the rope a tug.
Том дернул за веревку.

You're at the zoo, so please don't harass the animals. It is forbidden to throw rocks at them, poke them in the eyes with sticks, and to tug at their fur.
Вы в зоопарке, поэтому, пожалуйста, не приставайте к животным. Запрещается бросать в них камни, тыкать палками в глаза и дергать за шерсть.

The angler felt a strong tug on the line.
Рыболов почувствовал сильный рывок за леску.

Parliamentary activity has become a political tug of war between the ruling and opposition parties over the issue.
Парламентская деятельность превратилась в политическое перетягивание каната между правящей и оппозиционной партиями по этому вопросу.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I tug We tug
You tug You tug
He/She/It tugs They tug
Past Simple
I tugged We tugged
You tugged You tugged
He/She/It tugged They tugged
Future Simple
I will tug We will tug
You will tug You will tug
He/She/It will tug They will tug

Present Continuous
I am tugging We are tugging
You are tugging You are tugging
He/She/It is tugging They are tugging
Past Continuous
I was tugging We were tugging
You were tugging You were tugging
He/She/It was tugging They were tugging
Future Continuous
I will be tugging We will be tugging
You will be tugging You will be tugging
He/She/It will be tugging They will be tugging

Present Perfect
I have tugged We have tugged
You have tugged You have tugged
He/She/It has tugged They have tugged
Past Perfect
I had tugged We had tugged
You had tugged You had tugged
He/She/It had tugged They had tugged
Future Perfect
I will have tugged We will have tugged
You will have tugged You will have tugged
He/She/It will have tugged They will have tugged

md5 hash от слова tug: c70d71665cae2a348d1f160924fba735



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